geopandas / pyogrio

Vectorized vector I/O using OGR
MIT License
257 stars 21 forks source link

Release version 0.9.0 #427

Closed brendan-ward closed 2 weeks ago

brendan-ward commented 2 weeks ago

Per comment in #421, we should release the fix for KML / GeoJSON coordinate order.

Looks like we can get #425, #426 in now as well, and otherwise this should be ready to go.

Will update the changelog with date and cut the release shortly.

brendan-ward commented 2 weeks ago

@jorisvandenbossche since #417 brought in the limit of MacOS 12+ for pre-built wheels, I'm wondering if we should instead release this as 0.9.0 instead of 0.8.1. That seems like a bigger change than we might want to make for a patch version release.

martinfleis commented 2 weeks ago

Agree on that. Bumping OS requirements shall not happen in a patch release.

theroggy commented 2 weeks ago

If it becomes a 0.9, possibly could be included as well?

brendan-ward commented 2 weeks ago

Note: for folks that receive emails from PyPI, you'll probably get something shortly about the project having trusted publishing setup but using a private token for upload; this is from me manually uploading the Arm64 wheels created on CircleCI. You can safely ignore the PyPI email.

brendan-ward commented 2 weeks ago

Wheels now published to PyPI, including Arm64 wheels built on CircleCI. 🎉

jorisvandenbossche commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @brendan-ward!