geopandas / pyogrio

Vectorized vector I/O using OGR
MIT License
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Data files license #433

Open avalentino opened 4 days ago

avalentino commented 4 days ago

I'm in the process of packaging pyogrio for Debian, I hope you are fine with it. TO meet the Debian packaging standards I need to report the license for all files included in the package. I would appreciate a lot if you could clarify what is the license of data files included in pyogrio/tests/fixtures, and in particular the license of:

The pyogrio/tests/fixtures/ seems to clarify what is the origin of some of the data files but the license for me is not clear. Can I safely assume that data files are provided with the same license of the source code (MIT)?

martinfleis commented 4 days ago

Can I safely assume that data files are provided with the same license of the source code (MIT)?

I don't think so. At least the OSM sample retains ODbL. I am not sure about the rest.

jorisvandenbossche commented 4 days ago

This was recently added in @theroggy did you create this file manually? (would be good to add a note about that in the README then as well)


This is downloaded from @rouault do you know if this wiki falls under the general GDAL license?

  • test_mixed_surface.gpkg

This is extracted from one of the datasets from I don't directly find anything on that page about the license of those datasets (maybe the USGS has a general license it uses for all available datasets? but not familiar with it) EDIT: says "public domain"

rouault commented 4 days ago

Maybe @jmckenna remembers the provenance of this file ? Otherwise you could potentially switch to one of the GDAL autotest suite samples:

theroggy commented 4 days ago

This was recently added in #422. @theroggy did you create this file manually? (would be good to add a note about that in the README then as well)

No, I exported the polygon giving the issue from the file provided in this issue:

So, not sure about licensing :-(... @EwoutH can you shed some light?

EwoutH commented 3 days ago

Should have mentioned that, that file doesn't have a proper open-source license so I don't think it can be in there.

I got it on a project license, see

I think sharing it for debugging was already stretching it now I think of it (but probably ok).

avalentino commented 2 days ago

Thanks a lot to everybody for the help. To summarize the discussion please find below an excerpt of the debian/copyright file that I'm preparing:

Files: *
Copyright: 2020-2021, Brendan C. Ward and pyogrio contributors
License: Expat

Files: pyogrio/arrow_bridge.h
Copyright: 2020-2021, Brendan C. Ward and pyogrio contributors
License: Apache-2.0

Files: pyogrio/tests/fixtures/naturalearth_lowres/*
Copyright: discalimed
License: public-domain

Files: pyogrio/tests/fixtures/sample.osm.pbf
Copyright: OpenStreetMap contributors
License: OBdL-1.0

For the time being:

For the other files in pyogrio/tests/fixtures (I mean the one not mentioned in the above debian/copyrigtht file excerpt) it is assume the same license of the source code.

Please feel free to comment if there is anything that looks incorrect.