geopaparazzi / smash

Source code of the SMASH Android/iOS digital field mapping app.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hosted Weblate Japanese language conflicts alert #198

Open sanak opened 1 year ago

sanak commented 1 year ago

Hosted Weblate alerts following Japanese language conflicts today.

Weblate could not merge upstream changes while updating the repository.

Rebasing (1/1)
error: could not apply 0e8fe69... Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with
"git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".
Could not apply 0e8fe69... Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Auto-merging lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb

Typical workflow for fixing merge conflicts

  1. Commit all pending changes in Weblate and lock the translation component. wlc commit; wlc lock
  2. Add Weblate exported repository as a remote. git remote add weblate ; git remote update weblate
  3. Merge Weblate changes and resolve any conflicts. git merge weblate/main
  4. Push changes into upstream repository. git push origin main
  5. Weblate should now be able to see updated repository and you can unlock it. wlc pull ; wlc unlock

Check the FAQ for info on how to resolve this.

sanak commented 1 year ago

I tried the following on my local environment and could reproduce the same error message.

% git checkout master
% git pull
% git remote add weblate
% git remote update weblate
% git merge weblate/master
Auto-merging lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

The conflicts diff was as follows, so I guess that updating Weblate git is necessary related with PR:

conflicts diff ```diff --- a/lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb @@@ -98,6 -98,64 +98,67 @@@ "@mainviewUtils_sharePosition": {}, "mainviewUtils_rotateMapWithGps": "GPSで地図を回転", "@mainviewUtils_rotateMapWithGps": {}, ++<<<<<<< HEAD ++======= + "exportWidget_export": "エクスポート", + "@exportWidget_export": {}, + "exportWidget_pdfExported": "PDFエクスポート済み", + "@exportWidget_pdfExported": {}, + "exportWidget_exportToPortableDocumentFormat": "プロジェクトをPDF形式にエクスポート", + "@exportWidget_exportToPortableDocumentFormat": {}, + "exportWidget_gpxExported": "GPXエクスポート済み", + "@exportWidget_gpxExported": {}, + "exportWidget_exportToGpx": "プロジェクトをGPXにエクスポート", + "@exportWidget_exportToGpx": {}, + "exportWidget_kmlExported": "KMLエクスポート済み", + "@exportWidget_kmlExported": {}, + "exportWidget_exportToKml": "プロジェクトをKMLにエクスポート", + "@exportWidget_exportToKml": {}, + "exportWidget_geopackageExported": "GeoPackageエクスポート済み", + "@exportWidget_geopackageExported": {}, + "exportWidget_exportToGeopackage": "プロジェクトをGeoPackageにエクスポート", + "@exportWidget_exportToGeopackage": {}, + "exportWidget_exportToGSS": "Geopaparazzi Survey Serverにエクスポート", + "@exportWidget_exportToGSS": {}, + "gssExport_gssExport": "GSSエクスポート", + "@gssExport_gssExport": {}, + "gssExport_setProjectDirty": "プロジェクトをダーティに設定しますか?", + "@gssExport_setProjectDirty": {}, + "gssExport_thisCantBeUndone": "これは元に戻せません!", + "@gssExport_thisCantBeUndone": {}, + "gssExport_restoreProjectAsDirty": "プロジェクトをすべてダーティとして復元します。", + "@gssExport_restoreProjectAsDirty": {}, + "gssExport_setProjectClean": "プロジェクトをクリーンに設定しますか?", + "@gssExport_setProjectClean": {}, + "gssExport_restoreProjectAsClean": "プロジェクトをすべてクリーンな状態で復元します。", + "@gssExport_restoreProjectAsClean": {}, + "gssExport_nothingToSync": "同期するものがありません。", + "@gssExport_nothingToSync": {}, + "gssExport_collectingSyncStats": "同期統計を収集しています…", + "@gssExport_collectingSyncStats": {}, + "gssExport_unableToSyncDueToError": "エラーのため同期できません。診断を確認してください。", + "@gssExport_unableToSyncDueToError": {}, + "gssExport_noGssUrlSet": "GSSサーバーのURLが設定されていません。設定を確認してください。", + "@gssExport_noGssUrlSet": {}, + "gssExport_noGssPasswordSet": "GSSサーバーのパスワードが設定されていません。設定を確認してください。", + "@gssExport_noGssPasswordSet": {}, + "gssExport_synStats": "同期統計", + "@gssExport_synStats": {}, + "gssExport_followingDataWillBeUploaded": "次のデータは同期時にアップロードされます。", + "@gssExport_followingDataWillBeUploaded": {}, + "gssExport_gpsLogs": "GPSログ:", + "@gssExport_gpsLogs": {}, + "gssExport_simpleNotes": "シンプルノート:", + "@gssExport_simpleNotes": {}, + "gssExport_formNotes": "フォームノート:", + "@gssExport_formNotes": {}, + "gssExport_images": "画像:", + "@gssExport_images": {}, + "gssExport_shouldNotHappen": "発生してはならない", + "@gssExport_shouldNotHappen": {}, + "gssExport_upload": "アップロード", + "@gssExport_upload": {}, ++>>>>>>> weblate/master "geocoding_geocoding": "ジオコーディング", "@geocoding_geocoding": {}, "geocoding_nothingToLookFor": "検索するものがありません。アドレスを挿入してください。", @@@ -116,6 -174,40 +177,43 @@@ "@gps_smashLocServiceIsActive": {}, "gps_backgroundLocIsOnToKeepRegistering": "アプリがバックグラウンドにある場合でも、アプリが位置情報を登録し続けるために、バックグラウンドロケーションがオンにな っています。", "@gps_backgroundLocIsOnToKeepRegistering": {}, ++<<<<<<< HEAD ++======= + "gssImport_gssImport": "GSSインポート", + "@gssImport_gssImport": {}, + "gssImport_downloadingDataList": "データリストをダウンロードしています…", + "@gssImport_downloadingDataList": {}, + "gssImport_unableDownloadDataList": "エラーのため、データリストをダウンロードできません。設定とログを確認してください。", + "@gssImport_unableDownloadDataList": {}, + "gssImport_noGssUrlSet": "GSSサーバーのURLが設定されていません。設定を確認してください。", + "@gssImport_noGssUrlSet": {}, + "gssImport_noGssPasswordSet": "GSSサーバーのパスワードが設定されていません。設定を確認してください。", + "@gssImport_noGssPasswordSet": {}, + "gssImport_noPermToAccessServer": "サーバーにアクセスする権限がありません。資格情報を確認してください。", + "@gssImport_noPermToAccessServer": {}, + "gssImport_data": "データ", + "@gssImport_data": {}, + "gssImport_dataSetsDownloadedMapsFolder": "データセットはマップフォルダーにダウンロードされます。", + "@gssImport_dataSetsDownloadedMapsFolder": {}, + "gssImport_noDataAvailable": "利用可能なデータがありません。", + "@gssImport_noDataAvailable": {}, + "gssImport_projects": "プロジェクト", + "@gssImport_projects": {}, + "gssImport_projectsDownloadedProjectFolder": "プロジェクトはプロジェクトフォルダーにダウンロードされます。", + "@gssImport_projectsDownloadedProjectFolder": {}, + "gssImport_noProjectsAvailable": "利用可能なプロジェクトがありません。", + "@gssImport_noProjectsAvailable": {}, + "gssImport_forms": "フォーム", + "@gssImport_forms": {}, + "gssImport_tagsDownloadedFormsFolder": "タグファイルはフォームフォルダーにダウンロードされます。", + "@gssImport_tagsDownloadedFormsFolder": {}, + "gssImport_noTagsAvailable": "使用可能なタグはありません。", + "@gssImport_noTagsAvailable": {}, + "importWidget_import": "インポート", + "@importWidget_import": {}, + "importWidget_importFromGeopaparazzi": "Geopaparazzi Survey Serverからインポート", + "@importWidget_importFromGeopaparazzi": {}, ++>>>>>>> weblate/master "layersView_layerList": "レイヤーリスト", "@layersView_layerList": {}, "layersView_loadRemoteDatabase": "リモートデータベースをロード", ```
moovida commented 1 year ago

Hi @sanak , I am not sure why this happened. Maybe because we removed some entries? Should we do that on weblate in future? Not sure.

sanak commented 1 year ago

Hi @moovida, (CC: @dkastl, @mbasa)

Maybe because we removed some entries? Should we do that on weblate in future?

I guess so.

Is it possible for you to update Hosted Weblate git master branch from GitHub master branch by force push ?

I guess that Hosted Weblate project/components admin privilege and Weblate Client commit/lock and pull/unlock operation may be necessary.

moovida commented 1 year ago

@sanak , you mean following the above workflow, right? Ok, I will try before leaving. Fingers crossed.

moovida commented 1 year ago

I am getting issues here when issuing: git remote update weblate

Fetching weblate
warning: no common commits
remote: Enumerating objects: 1208, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1208/1208), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (666/666), done.
remote: Total 1208 (delta 649), reused 859 (delta 447), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1208/1208), 5.54 MiB | 4.60 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (649/649), done.
error: Could not read e2b99061bcbfcb04f801fa6daabb309994c78975
fatal: revision walk setup failed
error: did not send all necessary objects

error: Could not fetch weblate

Testing this on the plugins project.

sanak commented 1 year ago

@sanak , you mean following the above workflow, right?

Well, my suggestion was opposite direction (GitHub => Weblate), but Weblate suggested workflow (Weblate => GitHub) is also okay and probably more safe. (But, I guess that latter way requires every languages conflicts, later.)

And okay about the above git remote update weblate error...

moovida commented 1 year ago

Was able to add api key to the config. But I am still not getting anything from the wlc commands.

~/development/SMASH/smash_import_export_plugins >>> wlc commit
Error: No object passed on command line!
sanak commented 1 year ago

Okay, I will try wlc on my local environment, once. (I guess that wlc fetch operation should work with my account.)

sanak commented 1 year ago

@moovida I guess that wlc commit or other wlc command requires translation project/component, so could you try the following once ?

wlc commit smash/smash-import-export-plugins

(On my local environment, it returns the following message, but I guess that it comes from my account's role.)

% wlc commit smash/smash-import-export-plugins
Error: Object not found on the server (maybe operation is not supported on the server)
sanak commented 1 year ago

By the way, I found the following past weblate issue, and deleting translation key may be better to be done via web interface with Cleanup addon...

Deleting existing translation seems to require Administration or Manage languages role (from, so I can't try it, but just for information...

moovida commented 1 year ago

@sanak since our last git conflict (which you solved), I continuously have generated language files that result modified in my workspace:

        modified:   lib/generated/l10n.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_cs.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_de.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_en.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_fr.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_it.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_ja.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_nb.dart
        modified:   lib/generated/l10n_ru.dart

Since I do not want to create trouble, I need to be sure. These should be removed from git and be placed into git ignore, right?

sanak commented 1 year ago

@moovida Oh, yes. The generated intl files can be removed from git and ignoring those by git ignore is possible.

If deleting output-dir: lib/generated line from l10n.yaml, then intl files will be generated in ./.dart_tool/flutter_gen/gen_l10n, but it is a bit hard to remember, so keeping current output-dir: lib/generated line will be good.

But about import/export plugins side, it may be good to include generated intl files to simplify smash side build process.