csvutm.py can convert geographic coordinates between two different
coordinate systems, referenced by their EPSG codes. There are EPSG
codes for every coordinate system in use.
To see how to use it type csvutm --help
The 3rd-party python package "pyproj" must be installed. This comes
with the Enthought Python Distribution or OSGeo4W on Windows
(although not Python(x,y)), and is on Linux package managers.
csvutm.py can convert geographic coordinates between two different coordinate systems, referenced by their EPSG codes. There are EPSG codes for every coordinate system in use.
To see how to use it type
csvutm --help
The 3rd-party python package "pyproj" must be installed. This comes with the Enthought Python Distribution or OSGeo4W on Windows (although not Python(x,y)), and is on Linux package managers.
pyproj: http://pyproj.googlecode.com/ Enthought: http://www.enthought.com/products/epdlibraries.php OSGeo4W: http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/