geopython / GeoHealthCheck

Service Status and QoS Checker for OGC Web Services
MIT License
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The password reset mail contains an invalid link to the GHC instance when running locally #373

Open fsteggink opened 3 years ago

fsteggink commented 3 years ago

I have a GHC instance running locally on port 8083 (see the Docker example). So GHC can be accessed by navigating in the browser to http://localhost:8083. I have tested the functionality to reset the password (see Login -> Reset password: http://localhost:8083/reset_req?lang=en). However, the mail I subsequently received, contains a link starting with "http://localhost/reset/", while I was expecting this: "http://localhost:8083/reset/".

While it is unlikely that GHC will run on other ports as 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS) in production, there might be some users where this is the case.