geopython / MetaSearch

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Connection to protected services #65

Closed LukeGIS closed 10 years ago

LukeGIS commented 10 years ago

Hi, is it possible to connect protected services by access credentials (or services on server protected by user name & password) with MetaSearch? I can load the same services with the "Add WMS button". When I try to connect this kind of services, MetaSearch give me a connection errors.... ....401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials..... but I can not enter credentials. To riproduce the problem you can try to load "Arpa Piemonte - Ortofoto AGEA 2009 - Provincia di Alessandria - (accesso riservato)" (search by keywords "AGEA (accesso riservato)") on our CSW catalog: How can solve this issue? Many Thanks Luca

tomkralidis commented 10 years ago

cc @geopython/metasearch

@LukeGIS thanks for the info. This is rooted in MetaSearch doing it's own GetCapabilities as a means to check/verify that the WMS/WMTS/WFS/WCS is actually valid, before passing to the appropriate QGIS WMS/WMTS/WFS/WCS dialog.


Comments? This issue (for different reasons) has come up a few times in the past.

LukeGIS commented 10 years ago

Hi Tom, thanks for your answer!

In the short term is it possible to try removing the WMS / WMTS / WFS / WCS GetCapabilities verification in MetaSearch and simply pass the URL on to the appropriate dialogue? In my opinion the Qgis standard control could be enough, and in any case the user is informed if there is some error in the WMS connection.

Another solution in mid term could be to allow the user to choose if use validation or not (ie in the metasearch option dialog) or working on credential management and communication between metasearch and QGIS.

Many thanks.


tomkralidis commented 10 years ago

@LukeGIS thanks for the info. FYI I've started discussion on this in qgis-developer at, and leaning towards lifting this from MetaSearch unless there are objections.

tomkralidis commented 10 years ago

@LukeGIS this is now fixed in master. Thanks for the feedback.