geopython / OWSLib

OWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models.
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Incorrect WMS Key Value Pair syntax created by geturl() #363

Closed nmtoken closed 7 years ago

nmtoken commented 7 years ago

geturl() creates incorrect WMS Key Value Pair (KVP) syntax.

The WMS specification tells us:

A URL prefix is defined as an opaque string including the protocol, hostname, optional port number, path, a question mark '?', and, optionally, one or more server specific parameters ending in an ampersand '&'.

A client appends the necessary request parameters as name/value pairs in the form "name=value&". The resulting URL shall be valid according to the HTTP Common Gateway Interface standard [CGI], which mandates the presence of '?' before the sequence of query parameters and the '&' between each parameter. The URL prefix shall end in either a '?' (in the absence of additional server-specific parameters) or a '&'.

So we should have a URL like: http://host[:port]/path?{name[=value]&}

Using the following code as an example we can see that we don't get a closing ampersand instead the key (name) / value pairs seem to be added with a starting ampersand, so we get a double && when parameters are appended to the advertised service URL



from owslib import wms as wms

end_point = ""

wm_130 = wms.WebMapService(end_point, version='1.3.0')
afmap = wm_130.getmap(layers=['AFG_AGS_1M_BLS'], styles=[], srs="EPSG:32641",
                      bbox=(180307, 2.97704e+006, 1.7569e+006, 4.6101e+006),
                      format="image/png", size=(1205, 735), transparent=True)

wm_111 = wms.WebMapService(end_point, version='1.1.1')
afmap1 = wm_111.getmap(layers=['AFG_AGS_1M_BLS'], styles=[], srs="EPSG:32641",
                      bbox=(180307, 2.97704e+006, 1.7569e+006, 4.6101e+006),
                      format="image/png", size=(1205, 735), transparent=True)

The generated URLs are:

tomkralidis commented 7 years ago

Fixed in master.