Closed justb4 closed 5 months ago
- update pygeoapi ES repo pointer to
Already done:
Overlooked: in already treats publishing a CSV. So no need in Exercise 2. Can immediately treat publishing GPKG. I can slim it (see other issue). For ES will refer to pygeoapi-examples
Main question still: is is "Bathing Water" or "Drinking Water"? IMO the latter. Different translations for the same dataset are used and the filenames bathingwater-estonia.*
should be changed.
Source: where "Joogiveeallikad" translates to "Drinking Water Sources".
Ok, the confusion is: the data files are for bathing water, but the metadata links for drinking water. Easiest is to change the Source/Metadata links to Found via search on:
PR upcoming.
In Exercise 2: Publish a GeoJSON using Elasticsearch it states:
git checkout -b ogcapi-ws
Why? Can we integrate this dir in this repo? Think ES example was there before.Also I doubt a bit if ES should immediately follow the GPKG exercise, maybe it is better in the "Advanced" section. I think it is more beneficial to start with the simplest: publish a CSV and then GeoJSON directly/natively (the "bathing water files", then move to GPKG and then as option ES.
My feeling is that this will take quite some time to go through ES (download/start ES resolve issues etc). Let's discuss!