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Cards Catalog to geOrchestra users in the "Community" section #117

Closed Agath21 closed 2 years ago

Agath21 commented 2 years ago

Purpose of the pull request


Method used to create the catalog :

  1. Create of a user_card.html html template for formatting the bootstrap card in the_includes folder based on variables
  2. Add of CSS properties in the css / georchestra-theme.css
  3. User's list into a catalog in the, es/, fr/ using an include with parameters

Method to add a new instance

Follow this procedure:

  1. In the file, copy / paste the line in section (between <div class = "row"> <div>): {% include card_user.html label_site = "" img_url = "" name = "" text = "" site_url = ""%}

  2. Fill variables with the information of the new instance: name: user name text: descriptive text of the project site_url: link to the user's website or portal img_url: link to the website image in .png format (to be placed in the public / community-users) label_site: Label to link to the website (EN: Learn more, ES: Màs information, FR: En savoir plus)

  3. Repeat the same manipulation in the es/ andfr/ and adapt the language.