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geOrchestra overlay details #713

Open Gaetanbrl opened 1 month ago

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago


It would be usefull to identify the special georchestra's features that overlay basic mapstore2 project.

Some examples :

I invite the community to add their knowledge to this issue via comments.

The final objective is to create a doc / have a trace (and why not a guide to be able to upgrade Mapstore2 submodule freely).

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

Some links :

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

Some customization was located in /js directory (e.g plugins) :

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

Here, a custom configuration to insert / use easyTheming plugin (not exists in nativ mapstore2) :

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

@f-necas what about custom docker (or other build stuff) config / files / build ?

f-necas commented 1 month ago

@f-necas what about custom docker (or other build stuff) config / files / build ?

We override server.xml but there's a PR upstream for that, as far as I know, not a lot of customization around docker .

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

(see this commit to understand)

landryb commented 1 month ago

the auth via sec-* headers is configured here:

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

mapstore-georchestra use some Custom pages :

2 pages exists in mapstore2-georchestra :

I need to understand correctly what this pages do.

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

Ok pages are used by application router (e.g mapstore/#/admin):

landryb commented 1 month ago

it's probably specific to georchestra, because a default mapstore has the context manager on /#/context-manager ?

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

@landryb /admin page was added from

catmorales commented 1 month ago

I don't see if you spoke about the use of SP headers

catmorales commented 1 month ago

Sorry I saw in

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

it's probably specific to georchestra, because a default mapstore has the context manager on /#/context-manager ?

This is correct @landryb.

After some tests to reproduce /admin page in mapstore2, and as I understand it, this is how it seems works.

This config will specify the /admin page content. The default geOrchestra's localConfig.json file specify to use Header, omnibar, Loginand context-manager inside.

Note that localConfig doesn't content ContextManager plugin (replace by Admin I guess). Note that ContextManager is maybe (not sur) override by custom ContextCreator page.

catmorales commented 1 month ago

Note that localConfig doesn't content ContextManager plugin (replace by Admin I guess).

But it's the aim of

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

About Project and mapstore2 submodule update / migration :

Gaetanbrl commented 1 month ago

In best practice part :

The list above shows the most common checks but based on the complexity of the project customization we could have additional files to compare

We maybe needs some additional infos about these additional files to compare.