georgeboot / laravel-echo-api-gateway

Use Laravel Echo with API Gateway Websockets. Works with and Laravel Vapor.
MIT License
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Small syntactic change which makes the code PHP 7.4 compatible #27

Closed leob closed 1 year ago

leob commented 1 year ago

Hi there - thank you for this great project, which made it a piece of cake to add websocket support to my (Bref based) AWS Lambda "serverless Laravel" project!

I just followed the (very clear and complete) docs, did a tiny bit tweaking and debugging (mainly in my frontend code), and abracadabra "it all just worked".

However I would like to propose a little change - I'm using PHP 7.4, and although I know the project states PHP 8 as the required minimum version, I saw that with a couple of very simple syntactic changes we can make it work with PHP 7.4 (I didn't want to move to PHP 8 for a number of reasons).

Point is that PHP 7.4 does not support protected in parameter declarations, so if we just move that to a property declaration then PHP 7.4 is happy, and all is well.

Tested it and all looking good, this should be a very low risk change (while I was at it I also removed an unused import).

Let me know if it looks okay, thanks in advance!

P.S. just now I saw in an Issue ( that you'd like to 'gently encourage' people to upgrade their PHP - however, with all due respect, this stuff works equally well with PHP 7.4, and people can have pragmatic reasons to stick with 7.4 - I'd say there's no real reason here to force PHP 8 (but I have no problem with declaring PHP 8 as a requirement in composer.json, I can choose to obey or ignore that)

P.S. there's one other small change that I'd like to propose (but I will do that in a separate pull request): the frontend (Javascript) code contains some console.log statements - these are super useful, but my proposal would be that we might make this configurable (meaning we can switch it on or off) e.g. via a the options object that's passed to new Echo ... just a heads-up, I'll put the details in another PR

leob commented 1 year ago

I have no issue with getting rid of promoted contractor parameters, but then we should define the properties separately. Setting undefined properties will be deprecated in php 8.2

Right, yes I agree - however, that's exactly what I did now, or not? For instance in ConnectionRepository I declared:

protected SubscriptionRepository $subscriptionRepository;

and same story for the two properties in Handler - I added property declarations for those.

georgeboot commented 1 year ago

My bad! I was checking on GitHub mobile and didn't see it.