georgesung / ssd_tensorflow_traffic_sign_detection

Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector in TensorFlow, to detect and classify traffic signs
MIT License
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why you want to transform the coords, In prepare training samples ? #19

Open guiyang882 opened 7 years ago

guiyang882 commented 7 years ago

In your file, why you want to transform the coords ?

# Calculate normalized box coordinates and update y_true_loc
abs_box_center = np.array([col + 0.5, row + 0.5])  # absolute coordinates of center of feature map cell
abs_gt_box_coords = gt_box_coords * scale  # absolute ground truth box coordinates (in feature map grid)
norm_box_coords = abs_gt_box_coords - np.concatenate((abs_box_center, abs_box_center))
y_true_loc[y_true_idx*4 : y_true_idx*4 + 4] = norm_box_coords