georgewfraser / java-language-server

Java language server using the Java compiler API
MIT License
642 stars 126 forks source link

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: **/lsp/handlers.lua:122 bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) #267

Open arbitrary-dev opened 1 year ago

arbitrary-dev commented 1 year ago

Trying to go through Spring Quickstart, but getting this error:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: /usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/handlers.lua:122: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'ipairs'
        /usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/handlers.lua:122: in function 'handler'
        /usr/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp.lua:1057: in function ''
        vim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>


M['client/registerCapability'] = function(_, result, ctx)
  local log_unsupported = false
  for _, reg in ipairs(result.registrations) do ------------------------- Line #122
    if reg.method == 'workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles' then
      require('vim.lsp._watchfiles').register(reg, ctx)
      log_unsupported = true
  if log_unsupported then
    local client_id = ctx.client_id
    local warning_tpl = 'The language server %s triggers a registerCapability '
      .. 'handler despite dynamicRegistration set to false. '
      .. 'Report upstream, this warning is harmless'
    local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
    local client_name = client and or string.format('id=%d', client_id)
    local warning = string.format(warning_tpl, client_name)
  return vim.NIL


local lspcfg = require "lspconfig"
lspcfg.java_language_server.setup { cmd = {"java-language-server"} }



yimingwangdell commented 1 year ago

same issue found....

anthony-S93 commented 1 year ago

Same issue in java-language-server version 0.2.39-1.


[START][2023-09-14 00:49:20] LSP logging initiated
[INFO][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:662 "Starting RPC client"   {  args = {},  cmd = "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/",  extra = {    cwd = "/home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama"  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:284    "rpc.send"  {  id = 1,  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "initialize",  params = {    capabilities = {      textDocument = {        callHierarchy = {          dynamicRegistration = false        },        codeAction = {          codeActionLiteralSupport = {            codeActionKind = {              valueSet = { "", "quickfix", "refactor", "refactor.extract", "refactor.inline", "refactor.rewrite", "source", "source.organizeImports" }            }          },          dataSupport = true,          dynamicRegistration = false,          isPreferredSupport = true,          resolveSupport = {            properties = { "edit" }          }        },        completion = {          completionItem = {            commitCharactersSupport = true,            deprecatedSupport = true,            documentationFormat = { "markdown", "plaintext" },            insertReplaceSupport = true,            insertTextModeSupport = {              valueSet = { 1, 2 }            },            labelDetailsSupport = true,            preselectSupport = true,            resolveSupport = {              properties = { "documentation", "detail", "additionalTextEdits", "sortText", "filterText", "insertText", "textEdit", "insertTextFormat", "insertTextMode" }            },            snippetSupport = true,            tagSupport = {              valueSet = { 1 }            }          },          completionItemKind = {            valueSet = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 }          },          completionList = {            itemDefaults = { "commitCharacters", "editRange", "insertTextFormat", "insertTextMode", "data" }          },          contextSupport = true,          dynamicRegistration = false,          insertTextMode = 1        },        declaration = {          linkSupport = true        },        definition = {          linkSupport = true        },        documentHighlight = {          dynamicRegistration = false        },        documentSymbol = {          dynamicRegistration = false,          hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport = true,          symbolKind = {            valueSet = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 }          }        },        hover = {          contentFormat = { "markdown", "plaintext" },          dynamicRegistration = false        },        implementation = {          linkSupport = true        },        publishDiagnostics = {          relatedInformation = true,          tagSupport = {            valueSet = { 1, 2 }          }        },        references = {          dynamicRegistration = false        },        rename = {          dynamicRegistration = false,          prepareSupport = true        },        semanticTokens = {          augmentsSyntaxTokens = true,          dynamicRegistration = false,          formats = { "relative" },          multilineTokenSupport = false,          overlappingTokenSupport = true,          requests = {            full = {              delta = true            },            range = false          },          serverCancelSupport = false,          tokenModifiers = { "declaration", "definition", "readonly", "static", "deprecated", "abstract", "async", "modification", "documentation", "defaultLibrary" },          tokenTypes = { "namespace", "type", "class", "enum", "interface", "struct", "typeParameter", "parameter", "variable", "property", "enumMember", "event", "function", "method", "macro", "keyword", "modifier", "comment", "string", "number", "regexp", "operator", "decorator" }        },        signatureHelp = {          dynamicRegistration = false,          signatureInformation = {            activeParameterSupport = true,            documentationFormat = { "markdown", "plaintext" },            parameterInformation = {              labelOffsetSupport = true            }          }        },        synchronization = {          didSave = true,          dynamicRegistration = false,          willSave = true,          willSaveWaitUntil = true        },        typeDefinition = {          linkSupport = true        }      },      window = {        showDocument = {          support = true        },        showMessage = {          messageActionItem = {            additionalPropertiesSupport = false          }        },        workDoneProgress = true      },      workspace = {        applyEdit = true,        configuration = true,        didChangeWatchedFiles = {          dynamicRegistration = true,          relativePatternSupport = true        },        semanticTokens = {          refreshSupport = true        },        symbol = {          dynamicRegistration = false,          hierarchicalWorkspaceSymbolSupport = true,          symbolKind = {            valueSet = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 }          }        },        workspaceEdit = {          resourceOperations = { "rename", "create", "delete" }        },        workspaceFolders = true      }    },    clientInfo = {      name = "Neovim",      version = "0.9.2"    },    initializationOptions = vim.empty_dict(),    processId = 506443,    rootPath = "/home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama",    rootUri = "file:///home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama",    trace = "off",    workspaceFolders = { {        name = "/home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama",        uri = "file:///home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama"      } }  }}
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.475\tINFO\tLSP connect\tReading messages from queue...\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.475\tINFO\tLSP$1MessageReader run\tPlacing incoming messages on queue...\n"
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  id = 1,  jsonrpc = "2.0",  result = {    capabilities = {      codeActionProvider = true,      codeLensProvider = vim.empty_dict(),      completionProvider = {        resolveProvider = true,        triggerCharacters = { "." }      },      definitionProvider = true,      documentFormattingProvider = true,      documentSymbolProvider = true,      foldingRangeProvider = true,      hoverProvider = true,      referencesProvider = true,      renameProvider = {        prepareProvider = true      },      signatureHelpProvider = {        triggerCharacters = { "(", "," }      },      textDocumentSync = 2,      workspaceSymbolProvider = true    }  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:284    "rpc.send"  {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "initialized",  params = vim.empty_dict()}
[INFO][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:1344    "LSP[java_language_server]" "server_capabilities"   {  server_capabilities = {    codeActionProvider = true,    codeLensProvider = vim.empty_dict(),    completionProvider = {      resolveProvider = true,      triggerCharacters = { "." }    },    definitionProvider = true,    documentFormattingProvider = true,    documentSymbolProvider = true,    foldingRangeProvider = true,    hoverProvider = true,    referencesProvider = true,    renameProvider = {      prepareProvider = true    },    signatureHelpProvider = {      triggerCharacters = { "(", "," }    },    textDocumentSync = {      change = 2,      openClose = true,      save = {        includeText = false      },      willSave = false,      willSaveWaitUntil = false    },    workspaceSymbolProvider = true  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:284    "rpc.send"  {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "textDocument/didOpen",  params = {    textDocument = {      languageId = "java",      text = "\n",      uri = "file:///home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama/",      version = 0    }  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "client/registerCapability",  params = {    id = "6803a8f4-fb83-46f1-817b-4d23b8deccc2",    method = "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles",    registerOptions = {      watchers = { {          globPattern = "**/*.java"        }, {          globPattern = "**/pom.xml"        }, {          globPattern = "**/BUILD"        } }    }  }}
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.767\tINFO\tJavaLanguageServer lint\tLint 1 files...\n"
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "java/startProgress",  params = {    message = "Configure javac"  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "java/reportProgress",  params = {    increment = -1,    message = "Finding source roots"  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "java/reportProgress",  params = {    increment = -1,    message = "Inferring class path"  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "java/reportProgress",  params = {    increment = -1,    message = "Inferring doc path"  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "java/endProgress"}
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.776\tINFO\tScanClassPath jdkTopLevelClasses\tSearching for top-level classes in the JDK\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.869\tINFO\tScanClassPath jdkTopLevelClasses\tFound 5946 classes in the java platform\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "Class path:\nDoc path:\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.917\tWARNING\tDocs findSrcZip\tCouldn't find in /usr/lib/jvm/default-runtime\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.918\tINFO\tScanClassPath classPathTopLevelClasses\tSearching for top-level classes in 0 classpath locations\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.922\tINFO\tScanClassPath classPathTopLevelClasses\tFound 0 classes in classpath\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:20] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:20.925\tWARNING\tReusableCompiler getTask\tOptions changed from [-classpath, , --add-modules, ALL-MODULE-PATH, -proc:none, -g, -Xlint:cast, -Xlint:deprecation, -Xlint:empty, -Xlint:fallthrough, -Xlint:finally, -Xlint:path, -Xlint:unchecked, -Xlint:varargs, -Xlint:static] to [-classpath, , --add-modules, ALL-MODULE-PATH, -proc:none, -g, -Xlint:cast, -Xlint:deprecation, -Xlint:empty, -Xlint:fallthrough, -Xlint:finally, -Xlint:path, -Xlint:unchecked, -Xlint:varargs, -Xlint:static], creating new compiler\n"
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:21] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:21.153\tINFO\tJavaLanguageServer lint\t...compiled in 381 ms\n"
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:21] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "textDocument/publishDiagnostics",  params = {    diagnostics = {},    uri = "file:///home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama/"  }}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:49:21] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "java/colors",  params = {    fields = {},    statics = {},    uri = "file:///home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama/"  }}
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:49:21] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:49:21.160\tINFO\tJavaLanguageServer lint\t...published in 392 ms\n"
[START][2023-09-14 00:49:59] LSP logging initiated
[INFO][2023-09-14 00:49:59] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:1875    "exit_handler"  {}
[INFO][2023-09-14 00:50:02] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:1875    "exit_handler"  { {    _on_attach = <function 1>,    attached_buffers = { true },    cancel_request = <function 2>,    commands = {},    config = {      _on_attach = <function 3>,      autostart = true,      capabilities = {        textDocument = {          callHierarchy = {            dynamicRegistration = false          },          codeAction = {            codeActionLiteralSupport = {              codeActionKind = {                valueSet = { "", "quickfix", "refactor", "refactor.extract", "refactor.inline", "refactor.rewrite", "source", "source.organizeImports" }              }            },            dataSupport = true,            dynamicRegistration = false,            isPreferredSupport = true,            resolveSupport = {              properties = { "edit" }            }          },          completion = {            completionItem = {              commitCharactersSupport = true,              deprecatedSupport = true,              documentationFormat = { "markdown", "plaintext" },              insertReplaceSupport = true,              insertTextModeSupport = {                valueSet = { 1, 2 }              },              labelDetailsSupport = true,              preselectSupport = true,              resolveSupport = {                properties = { "documentation", "detail", "additionalTextEdits", "sortText", "filterText", "insertText", "textEdit", "insertTextFormat", "insertTextMode" }              },              snippetSupport = true,              tagSupport = {                valueSet = { 1 }              }            },            completionItemKind = {              valueSet = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 }            },            completionList = {              itemDefaults = { "commitCharacters", "editRange", "insertTextFormat", "insertTextMode", "data" }            },            contextSupport = true,            dynamicRegistration = false,            insertTextMode = 1          },          declaration = {            linkSupport = true          },          definition = {            linkSupport = true          },          documentHighlight = {            dynamicRegistration = false          },          documentSymbol = {            dynamicRegistration = false,            hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport = true,            symbolKind = {              valueSet = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 }            }          },          hover = {            contentFormat = { "markdown", "plaintext" },            dynamicRegistration = false          },          implementation = {            linkSupport = true          },          publishDiagnostics = {            relatedInformation = true,            tagSupport = {              valueSet = { 1, 2 }            }          },          references = {            dynamicRegistration = false          },          rename = {            dynamicRegistration = false,            prepareSupport = true          },          semanticTokens = {            augmentsSyntaxTokens = true,            dynamicRegistration = false,            formats = { "relative" },            multilineTokenSupport = false,            overlappingTokenSupport = true,            requests = {              full = {                delta = true              },              range = false            },            serverCancelSupport = false,            tokenModifiers = { "declaration", "definition", "readonly", "static", "deprecated", "abstract", "async", "modification", "documentation", "defaultLibrary" },            tokenTypes = { "namespace", "type", "class", "enum", "interface", "struct", "typeParameter", "parameter", "variable", "property", "enumMember", "event", "function", "method", "macro", "keyword", "modifier", "comment", "string", "number", "regexp", "operator", "decorator" }          },          signatureHelp = {            dynamicRegistration = false,            signatureInformation = {              activeParameterSupport = true,              documentationFormat = { "markdown", "plaintext" },              parameterInformation = {                labelOffsetSupport = true              }            }          },          synchronization = {            didSave = true,            dynamicRegistration = false,            willSave = true,            willSaveWaitUntil = true          },          typeDefinition = {            linkSupport = true          }        },        window = {          showDocument = {            support = true          },          showMessage = {            messageActionItem = {              additionalPropertiesSupport = false            }          },          workDoneProgress = true        },        workspace = {          applyEdit = true,          configuration = true,          didChangeWatchedFiles = {            dynamicRegistration = true,            relativePatternSupport = true          },          semanticTokens = {            refreshSupport = true          },          symbol = {            dynamicRegistration = false,            hierarchicalWorkspaceSymbolSupport = true,            symbolKind = {              valueSet = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 }            }          },          workspaceEdit = {            resourceOperations = { "rename", "create", "delete" }          },          workspaceFolders = true        }      },      cmd = { "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" },      cmd_cwd = "/home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama",      filetypes = { "java" },      flags = {},      get_language_id = <function 4>,      handlers = <1>{},      init_options = vim.empty_dict(),      log_level = 2,      message_level = 2,      name = "java_language_server",      on_attach = <function 5>,      on_exit = <function 6>,      on_init = <function 7>,      root_dir = "/home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama",      settings = {},      workspace_folders = <2>{ {          name = "/home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama",          uri = "file:///home/anthony93/Devfiles/learning/cpama"        } },      <metatable> = <3>{        __tostring = <function 8>      }    },    handlers = <table 1>,    id = 1,    initialized = true,    is_stopped = <function 9>,    messages = {      messages = {},      name = "java_language_server",      progress = {},      status = {}    },    name = "java_language_server",    notify = <function 10>,    offset_encoding = "utf-16",    request = <function 11>,    request_sync = <function 12>,    requests = {},    rpc = {      is_closing = <function 13>,      notify = <function 14>,      request = <function 15>,      terminate = <function 16>    },    server_capabilities = {      codeActionProvider = true,      codeLensProvider = vim.empty_dict(),      completionProvider = {        resolveProvider = true,        triggerCharacters = { "." }      },      definitionProvider = true,      documentFormattingProvider = true,      documentSymbolProvider = true,      foldingRangeProvider = true,      hoverProvider = true,      referencesProvider = true,      renameProvider = {        prepareProvider = true      },      signatureHelpProvider = {        triggerCharacters = { "(", "," }      },      textDocumentSync = {        change = 2,        openClose = true,        save = {          includeText = false        },        willSave = false,        willSaveWaitUntil = false      },      workspaceSymbolProvider = true    },    stop = <function 17>,    supports_method = <function 18>,    workspace_did_change_configuration = <function 19>,    workspace_folders = <table 2>  } }
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:50:02] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:284    "rpc.send"  {  id = 2,  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "shutdown"}
[ERROR][2023-09-14 00:50:02] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:734    "rpc"   "/usr/share/java/java-language-server/" "stderr"    "00:50:02.524\tWARNING\tLSP connect\tGot shutdown message\n"
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:50:02] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:387    "rpc.receive"   {  id = 2,  jsonrpc = "2.0"}
[DEBUG][2023-09-14 00:50:02] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:284    "rpc.send"  {  jsonrpc = "2.0",  method = "exit"}
A-Committed-Dev commented 1 year ago

You guys ever found a solution? sitting with the same problem.

anthony-S93 commented 1 year ago

You guys ever found a solution? sitting with the same problem.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to look into it. In the end, I got fed up and switched to jdtls.

npavlicek commented 10 months ago

Used Mason to install java-language-server on nvim and I get this same error every time I launch

thatsmydoing commented 6 months ago

I believe this PR should fix it

The client/registerCapability call was non-standard which is why it broke in nvim.

To work around this, you can add the following to the LSP config

    handlers = {
      ['client/registerCapability'] = function(err, result, ctx, config)
        local registration = {
          registrations = { result },
        return vim.lsp.handlers['client/registerCapability'](err, registration, ctx, config)