georgewhewell / nixos-host

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Add README #108

Open Buttars opened 5 months ago

Buttars commented 5 months ago

I like the way you've broken down your modules but it's not exactly clear what the responsibility is for each directory. Will you consider adding a readme explaining the directory structure?

Buttars commented 5 months ago

I plugged your directory structure into chatGPT and asked it to explain the responsibility of each directory and this is what it returned. May be a good starting point for a readme.

cluster/manifests: This directory might contain Kubernetes manifests or similar cluster configuration files. These are used to define cluster resources, such as deployments, services, and volumes.

containers: Contains Nix expressions or configurations for building container images with Nix. These could be Docker containers or any other container format that Nix supports.

home: Likely related to home-manager configurations, which is a tool for managing the user environment using Nix. This could include configurations for shell, editors (like VSCode), and any user-specific applications or settings.

lib: A common place to store custom library functions that can be reused across the project. These functions might simplify common tasks or provide utility for dealing with Nix expressions.

machines: Contains configurations specific to individual machines or servers. This could be NixOS configurations for personal computers, servers, or any hardware that is managed with Nix.

modules: Modules directory would store reusable NixOS modules that can be imported into system configurations. These modules can extend or modify the behavior of NixOS.

overlays: Overlays allow for the customization or overriding of packages in nixpkgs without modifying the nixpkgs tree directly. This directory would contain such overlays.

packages: Custom packages defined for the project. These could be software that isn't available in nixpkgs or custom versions of existing packages.

profiles: Profiles are a higher-level abstraction over modules and packages, providing a set of configurations for specific use cases or environments.

services: Similar to modules, but specifically focused on service configurations. These could define how services are run, managed, and configured on NixOS systems.

terraform: Contains Terraform configurations, indicating that this project also manages infrastructure as code, possibly provisioning cloud resources.