georgezhao2010 / midea_ac_lan

Auto-configure and then control your Midea M-Smart devices (Air conditioner, Fan, Water heater, Washer, etc) via local area network.
MIT License
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Account Login Fails #538

Open DaveDixon opened 2 weeks ago

DaveDixon commented 2 weeks ago

HA core version


Intergration version


Device type and model

Air Conditioner MAW08V1QWT

Used App


The description of problem

Installed app manually in headless HA core. Add integration finds Midea AC LAN. When I select it, then Discovery automatically, auto, and it says "No new available appliances found on network". If I enter the IP address (available from my router) it finds the device. I select Add device, and enter SmartHome account name and password, clicking MSmartHome below. It says "Failed to login, account or password was wrong" I'm using the exact same credentials as I use to successfully log in to SmartHome on my phone.

The logs

I'm not able to install the integration, so there are no logs. Journalctl shows no errors on HA restart, just the usual "may become unstable" warning about the midea_ac_lan custom component.

bl4ck1c3pt commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue.

Installed the integration and to add the devices used the "Discover automatically" and IP as "auto", and it found the 5 devices. Selected the first and used my credentials (MSmartHome) and managed to add and configure the device successfully.

Repeated the steps for the next devices and get the message "Failed to login, account or password was wrong".

Core 2024.6.3
Supervisor 2024.06.0
Operating System 12.4
Frontend 20240610.1
Integration v0.3.22
Device Air Conditioner 00000Q11 (44204)
eoga01 commented 1 week ago

I am having the exact same error where I get the fail to login error even when I am using the exact same account than in my phone. After this it disney even ask for credentials again, it simply refuse to connect. I have one ac already installed, which was installed using the manual way, midea py, but even that is failing now, not sure if something change lately that made this scripts not working

bl4ck1c3pt commented 1 week ago

I fixed it for me. I believe it is some kind of problem with cache.

I was testing this on my sandbox VM of Home Assistant with no success. So then I tried on my production VM of Home Assistant and it worked just fine.

Tried again on my sandbox version, still the same error. If i needed to fix this on the sandbox version, I would try to remove the integration, see how I could clear all cache files and then try all the process again.

austinrdennis commented 1 week ago

Ok, this repo seems deader than a door nail. This one works flawlessly tho: