georgia-tech-db / evadb

Database system for AI-powered apps
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Initialisation/bootstrapping of custom user defined function #1451

Open tail-recursion opened 2 months ago

tail-recursion commented 2 months ago

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Hi, I have a custom user defined function that has to do quite a bit of work in setup (loading data/model from remote Postgres database). Is it possible to do some sort of initialisation of a custom function when my application starts rather than when I invoke the function in Eva DB? One way I thought of doing this was a simple client/server model using sockets running on the host where the server would retrieve the data/model from remote database and perform any initialisation and the custom function would act as a client to send a request to the server. I don't really want to go down this route however if there is something I can use that is built into Eva DB which might be easier.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

👋 Hello @tail-recursion, thanks for your interest in EVA DB 🙏 Please visit our 🔮 Tutorials to get started, where you can find quickstart guides for simple tasks like Image Classification all the way to more interesting tasks like Emotion Analysis.

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