Closed georgid closed 9 years ago
as well HARD CODED in LyricsWithModels.LyricsWithModels.duration2numFrameDuration
as well hard coded in Decoder.decodeAudio()
transMatrix = self.lyricsWithModels.phonemesNetwork[0].getTransMatrix()
remove setDurationInMinUnit from Phoenems class. Phoenmes is assigned directly a durInFrames
rewrite its only reference (from Lyrcis._words2Phonemes) in a more clever way: phonemeSil.setDurationInMinUnit('1')
Either in StateWithDur or Phoneme or _DurationHMM (best here) put field which duration distrib. to use.
BACKGROUND: For exponential disrib. there is no duration, but there is transprob. and only middle state instead of three. (because I dont know how to implement the 3 states with exponential distrib.)
PROBLEM: 1) hard coded sil on first and last phoneme has only middle state in LyricsWithModels.LyricsWithModels._linkToModels
2) hard coded on first and last state there is expo distrib in hmm.continuous._DurationHMM._DurationHMM.getWaitLogLik
3) set distrib type in Lyrics.Lyrics._words2Phonemes