georgiev / rubyfb

ruby/rails Firebird db access library
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Firebird keywords #17

Open viegasfh opened 11 years ago

viegasfh commented 11 years ago

There is a need to automatically quote firebird's keywords. For instance, the acts_as_list plugin uses a column position, that will not work with the current rubyfb driver.

In addition, given that support is only available for Firebird 2.0+, the first and offset should be replaced by the rows x to y. I have already done this as it was causing some trouble with will_paginate, but it would be good to add the support to the default one available in the repos.

viegasfh commented 11 years ago

Sorry, I meant the limit method wasn't working, hence my reason for fixing it. I have changed to rows x to y as it is more elegant.