georgmartius / vid.stab

Video stabilization library
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fails with videos generated with "-f concat -i $Sourcefilelist" #81

Open mviereck opened 4 years ago

mviereck commented 4 years ago

I am not sure if this is a vid.stab issue or a general ffmpeg issue.

I found that vid.stab fails with videos generated from images with -concat and an image list. It seems that vid.stab only sees the first 4 frames.

vid.stab succeeds with videos generated from images with -f image2 -start_number 1 -i frame%04d.png.

Sample output of global-motions.trf:

0 0 0 0 0 1
# no fields
0 0.670578 -0.066691 -0.000322 0.007731 0
#                    3.378333 2
0 0.574375 0.031080 -0.000628 -0.021180 0
#                    4.328137 2
0 0.771602 0.315560 -0.000463 -0.075547 0
#                    3.999384 2

In fact the video has more than 4 frames. Playing the full video with ffplay works.