georgmartius / vid.stab

Video stabilization library
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Brute force algorithm option missing? #86

Open ScissorHill opened 4 years ago

ScissorHill commented 4 years ago

The Features list on the main page describes Brute force algorithm only for translations.. This page describes that algo=1 should set it, but the option is missing from ffmpeg (as of version 3.4.7). How can this algorithm be accessed?

This would be very useful for videos shot using monopods, where rotation is mostly eliminated.

georgmartius commented 4 years ago

If I remember correctly, I did not expose this because the algo=1 was not really maintained much. You can still limit the maximal angle to a small value. Maybe try a small shakiness then it only looks for small deviations. Hope that works.

ScissorHill commented 4 years ago

In the examples I posted on issue #85, I've used maxangle=0. As reported there, results aren't usable. I've also tried various settings of shakiness, small and large, and the problem still persists...