georgmartius / vid.stab

Video stabilization library
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generate transform info with low-resolution than apply to hight-resolution #89

Open qq297110281 opened 4 years ago

qq297110281 commented 4 years ago

this project really help me a lot. great work! recently i trying to make it work on arm device(which is Low frequency CPU ),i want to generate the transformations (first pass)with 1280x720 gray YUV images, and then apply (second pass)to the origin YUV images (3840x2160). can it work properly ?

georgmartius commented 4 years ago

Hi, this can work, but I did not think about it too deeply. If all related transforms are scaled it might work out of the box. The transform file contains entries of the type: (LM dx dy fx fy fsize contr match). dx,dy are detected movements of a small field defined by fx,fy and size fsize. If you only scale dx,dy,fx,ft (in your case multiplied by 3) it might work.