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TYPO3 Extension news
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Using EXT:redirects with a news article in a not default language as a target doesn't work #2501

Open createdwithlove opened 2 months ago

createdwithlove commented 2 months ago

After reading the documentation up and down and forwards and backwards, I've come to the conclusion that it must be a bug somehow and hope, someone can help.

I have already started a topic on stackoverflow, but unfortunately there is no solution there:

Here is a brief summary of the problem: The links that are generated with EXT:redirect when you want to redirect to a news record in a foreign language are wrong. The generated path is the one from the default language (e.g. while the last part is the translated news title (e.g. mein-deutscher-beitrag).

The configurations from the following parts of the documentation are in use:

Another additional information: Creating such a link in a rte field behaves like this: translated page -> link to: translated news article -> works fine ✅ translated page -> link to: default language news article -> (correct) link to translated news article ❌ default language page -> link to: translated news article -> mixed link (as described above) ❌

Setting an additional param like L=1doesn't seem to have any impact

createdwithlove commented 2 months ago

If you take the faulty parts apart, it seems that the additionalParams are overwritten and therefore the L=1 is never taken into account.

config.recordLinks.tx_news {
    typolink {
        # overwrites all additionalParams -> = field:uid

With following workaround this behaviour is omitted:

additionalParams {
  wrap = &tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&tx_news_pi1[news]={field:uid}&L={field:sys_language_uid}
  insertData = 1

Could someone else test this? What side effects could this cause?