georgringer / t3monitoring

Monitoring service of TYPO3 extensions
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Discussion: Hide available updates of extensions tagged with excludeFromUpdates? #169

Open josefglatz opened 4 years ago

josefglatz commented 4 years ago

Hi folks,

My situation

i use the version state value excludeFromUpdates if it is a non public extension and therefore a project specific extension like a sitepackage.

If I use the same name for my sitepackage in different t3monitoring_client instances with different extension versions, then the monitoring shows me "Update is available".

My wish (for which I want your feedback)

is to not show available updates for extensions with state excludeFromUpdates.

My background

Nobody should override public extension code in an TYPO3 instance. With that fact, an extension with excludeFromUpdates state must be handled like a only-local extension (like a sitepackage extension)

christophlehmann commented 4 years ago

We handle it in the same way... Flag extension with local modifications with excludeFromUpdates. But not with a public available site package.

On the one hand i think it is okay not to list the updates, on the other hand i would like see to such updates when they are security relevant.