georgymh / occ-transcripts-pdf

Generate a PDF of your Orange Coast College transcripts in just 1 click.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

Transcripts with more than 5 semesters result on stack overflow on current servers #1

Open georgymh opened 9 years ago

georgymh commented 9 years ago

Instead of generating the PDF on memory (streaming it), it would be better to create a self-destructing PHP file, showing the HTML printable-version transcript.

That way, the user can view the file and print it if need it, but putting the load of PDF conversion on the client and not the server. It will be more scalable.

There has to be a temporary folder where the self-destructing transcripts will be created on, and the filenames should be dynamically generated and unique.

georgymh commented 9 years ago


lindaqlam commented 9 years ago

(from our original text)

Unofficial transcripts are often required as part of an internship or scholarship application for students. Students are often asked to bring a copy to their meetings with academic counselors as well. Although accessing unofficial transcripts through the school portal can be simple, the ability to print or download the document not as easy. Most of the computers on campus are unable to properly format the documents for printing, and often produce incomplete or blank pages due to irregular framing.

Easy OCC Transcripts is a helpful tool for students at Orange Coast College to access their transcripts. Using a simple two-step process, students can download their unofficial transcripts as a PDF file straight onto their device for printing or attaching.