georgysavva / scany

Library for scanning data from a database into Go structs and more
MIT License
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Feature: cache the columnToFieldIndex map for each struct type #25

Open kovalromank opened 3 years ago

kovalromank commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your library.

Because you can't update a struct dynamically in go, when scanning a row into a struct there isn't much reason to create a columnToFieldIndex map for the same struct more than once.

I created a test struct with 1024 fields and some quick benchmarks to see if the cache helps, you can see the benchmarks in my fork of scanny here.

To implement a cache I only changed the getColumnToFieldIndexMap function which will attempt to get a column to field index map from and return it if it exists. The cache can be implemented using both a map[reflect.Type] with a sync.RWMutex or with a sync.Map. I tested both in the benchmarks.

The BenchmarkStruct functions reuse the same row scanner for each iteration. The BenchmarkScannerStruct functions create a new row scanner for each iteration. The benchmarks that end in MapCache use a map[reflect.Type] with a sync.RWMutex, while the SyncMapCache benchmarks use a sync.Map to store the column to field index maps. The results of the benchmarks:

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkStruct-8                              14983         78204 ns/op       16396 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStruct_MapCache-8                     14470         88521 ns/op       16397 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStruct_SyncMapCache-8                 14360         80351 ns/op       16397 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkScannerStruct-8                        2630        462315 ns/op      188686 B/op       3081 allocs/op
BenchmarkScannerStruct_MapCache-8               7016        147001 ns/op       57477 B/op          4 allocs/op
BenchmarkScannerStruct_SyncMapCache-8           7268        149239 ns/op       57476 B/op          4 allocs/op
BenchmarkMap-8                                  5004        246030 ns/op      114842 B/op       2054 allocs/op

When reusing a row scanner there isn't much difference to the performance when using a cache. The real benefit happens when you create a new row scanner each iteration. The allocs drop from 3081 to only 4. And both the bytes/op and ns/op drop by over three times.

I think this would be a useful feature to add since even though having 1024 fields in a struct is pretty extreme but from the benchmarks the getColumnToFieldIndexMap function is creating 3 allocs per field of a struct which can be avoided after the first call to getColumnToFieldIndexMap with the same struct without much overhead.

georgysavva commented 3 years ago

Thanks for submitting your issue. I will take a deeper look at your idea and the benchmarks and get back to you soon!

georgysavva commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I've been pretty busy at work and couldn’t find enough time to work on this issue yet.

I think what you are proposing is good and will improve the performance of the library (I actually want to measure it on my own also). The only thing that I am worried about is the global state (the cache itself) that we create with this feature. Because right now the library is exposed as a set of stateless functions. In order to accommodate the cache, we would need to introduce a stateful type/object that holds the cache, and instead of stateless functions, it has the corresponding methods with the implementation. The library must stay backward-compatible also, it should be possible we just create a default global instance of the new stateful type, and the existing package-level functions just wrap the calls to the default object methods. BTW, this new stateful type can be also used in the future for customization parameters that modify the hardcoded into the library constants/logic.

I hope I will be able to find the time to work on this during this month. But If you want it to be done earlier or you are just interested in tackling it on your own, I encourage you to propose a PR with the solution. I understand it won’t be that easy though, since it involves some design changes.

georgysavva commented 2 years ago

Hey! Now when I introduced a package-level API object we can easily enhance it with caching logic. If you are still interested, feel free to work on this!