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Integrate the RINEX crate to the community #1016

Closed gwbres closed 1 year ago

gwbres commented 1 year ago

Hello @urschrei, @lnicola,

Lars and I have discussed about the future of our RINEX crate and decided the best scenario would be to join a broader community. Having said that, georust is the one that came to mind naturally.

The topic was discussed a little bit on Github and also on Discord.

This crate is a RINEX file parser and comprises a set of tools that are built around it. It supports already quite a lot of formats, and several remain to be supported.
RINEX is simple in its description but complex due to all form / variations it may have, and also for its data content.

Since v0.2/v0.3 we came up with a nice framework to at least support multiple RINEX formats.
At this point we may havecrossed the point where this tool is the only one to combine standard RINEX like Observation/Navigation, and exotic RINEX like Clock / Ionosphere maps.
Also there aren't many tools out there that truly support RINEX V4 which is the latest standard. RINEX files have a tendency to be heavy, so a compression algorithm was developed many years ago, which we also support since v0.5/v0.6.

There are interesting opportunities regarding this set of tools.

But for this, we need the tool to spread to the community.

This framework still has quite a lot to achieve and potential developments:

Well, having said of all that, and if you guys are willing to have us on board, we'd be happy to continue this journey and have you help us reach a broader audience and have more people involved in its maintenance. I have no experience in Github organizations, so you would have to guide on the steps to take.

Lars and I don't want to give up on this topic. The pending v0.9 sees a first visualization of Ionosphere maps and a nicer web-based analysis report. The plan is to release a V1.0 once RINEXV4 is correctly supported for all navigation frames, which are the most complex

urschrei commented 1 year ago

Hello! Apologies for the delay in responding to this. The crate is clearly high-quality, and you have a long and exciting feature roadmap – we (the GeoRust community) would be delighted to have you become a formal part of the ecosystem. I say "ecosystem" as Georust is made up of both loosely and tightly-coupled groups of people, with the smallest feasible amount of structure that allows people to work together, provide crate maintenance when it's necessary, and ensure that "georust" exists as a recognisable entity.

There are few requirements for crate authors, and you already use the Rust CoC. So next steps would be:

  1. Transfer the repo to the georust organisation, while retaining your existing repo admins
  2. We will then set up a rinex-publishers group in the georust Github org, make you admins of it, and assign it publishing privileges for your crate
  3. We'll add a link to the crate on

Personally, weekday mornings (GMT) are the best time for me. If and when you're ready to proceed, let's pick a day and start the process.

gwbres commented 1 year ago

Hello @urschrei,

thank you for your answer!

Personally, weekday mornings (GMT) are the best time for me. If and when you're ready to proceed, let's pick a day and start the process

tell me among the following list what works best for you

When I say 6:00 GMT, i'll make sure i'm able to iniate the first step by this time. As we proceed through the morning, i can keep up with you online, either here or on your discord channel. Weekday mornings for me end by 10:00GMT.

There is no emergency on this topic, it can also be postoned to following weeks if that suites you best,

see you

rmanoka commented 1 year ago

Is this done?

gwbres commented 1 year ago

Is this done?

Hello @rmanoka, no I was waiting for an answer before moving forward. At the moment, the transfer cannot be initiated since I don't have write permissions in the georust ecosystem. It looks like steps 2 and 1 need to be swapped

rmanoka commented 1 year ago

Thanks for confirming @gwbres ; have sent you an invite to join the georust org. on github. Pls. accept it, and I'll create a group for the crate. Pls. try to initiate the transfer after joining the org.

gwbres commented 1 year ago

Hello guys,

@rmanoka @urschrei I just initiated the transfer, Looking forward to this new journey.

I'll probably start with a roadmap in the relevant portal

rmanoka commented 1 year ago

Great! Have also invited @larsnaesbye to join the organization; the rinex-publishers team on georust now has maintain access to the georust/rinex repo. We might have to tweak the settings to allow push from the above team, but it can wait till the next release.

Welcome to georust!

rmanoka commented 1 year ago

Closing as completed