georust / geo

Geospatial primitives and algorithms for Rust
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Integrate `spade` #1083

Closed RobWalt closed 8 months ago

RobWalt commented 9 months ago

This PR aims at bringing spade triangulations to geo. More specifically I'm looking into implementing constrained delauny triangulations for geo since it seems handy in a lot of situations and opens up possibilities for new algorithms.


Commit summary

chore: add spade as a dependency

although spade is a optional dependency, it looks like a good fit for the default features. Including it has the effect of bringing in 3 new dependencies:

I'll try to speak to the spade maintainers. Maybe we can bump the robust version in their crate to reduce dependencies further. Also it might make sense to ask them if the optional crate provides any real value.

Update: I created PRs for the changes

Update: Both PRs got merged, so this change doesn't add any additional dependencies

feat: initial implementation of TriangulateSpade trait

includes all the code for the integration of spade into geo and also features some tests

urschrei commented 9 months ago

This is great, @RobWalt, thank you! We'll wait to see how the proposed changes to spade go.

RobWalt commented 9 months ago

@urschrei Do you think it would be feasible to review & merge this as is and keep a tracking issue open for updating the dependencies which track the two spade PRs? I assume these two PRs are not going to be included anytime soon and this issue here is required to merge the spade boolops at some point

urschrei commented 9 months ago

I'm in favour of merging this, both because it's a pre-requisite for the new boolean ops functionality, and because geo should support Delaunay triangulation as a feature more generally. For some reason it's not currently showing up as a top-level item under the algorithms module – again, you can check for yourself by running cargo doc --open.

RobWalt commented 9 months ago
RobWalt commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the thorough review @michaelkirk! 🏅 I like your taste 👍🏼

RobWalt commented 9 months ago

Ok, the proposed changes to spade were accepted and are merged as of now. There's nothing major in the way now. The only things left are:

RobWalt commented 8 months ago
