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Clip in BooleanOps flips some of the LineStrings in the MultiLineString #1245

Open oyhj1801 opened 3 weeks ago

oyhj1801 commented 3 weeks ago

I'm working with directed LineStrings and when I try and clip a MultiLineString to a Polygon extent some of the LineStrings get reversed.

Before clipping: before_cut

After clipping after_cut

The teeth are pointing 90 degrees to the left of the direction of the LineString. In the upper image some LineStrings are on top of each other where two tiles overlap, after clipping all map-tiles to the intended extent, no LinesStrings overlap but some have been reversed (indicated by the teeth pointing in the opposite direction) as can be seen in the bottom image.

michaelkirk commented 3 weeks ago

Are you seeing this on geo-0.29.0, just released yesterday? There was a major change to the clip operation.

Can you please provide a minimal example of the data set that produces this behavior?

oyhj1801 commented 3 weeks ago

Yes this is on geo-0.29.0

I'll try and find an example

oyhj1801 commented 3 weeks ago

The reversing seems to consistently happen when a LineString doubles back on it self outside of the clip extent. Here is one example of the bug for a MultiLineString containing only a single LineString for a LineString generated by my program followed by a minimal example. clip_error minimal_error The red line is the input MulitLineString, containing only a single LineString, the green and blue are the output after clipping. The star symbolizes the end of a LineString. The clipping extent of the minimal example is a square with bottom left corner in the origin and top right corner at (6,6)

oyhj1801 commented 3 weeks ago

The reversing is not unique to geo 0.29 but happens for all versions 0.29 - 0.23

dabreegster commented 3 weeks ago

Do you have sample input data as WKT, GeoJSON, etc? Ideally a minimally runnable script that shows this behavior

oyhj1801 commented 3 weeks ago
use geo::{coord, BooleanOps, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon};

fn main() {
    // for any positive values in max coord > 3
    let max = coord! {x: 6., y: 6.};

    let extent = Polygon::new(
            coord! {x: 0., y: max.y},
            coord! {x: 0., y: 0.},
            coord! {x: max.x, y: 0.},
            coord! {x: max.x, y: max.y},
            coord! {x: 0., y: max.y},

    let lines = MultiLineString::new(vec![LineString::new(vec![
        coord! {x: -1., y: max.y-1.},
        coord! {x: max.x-1., y: -1.},
        coord! {x: -1., y: 2.},

    let expected = MultiLineString::new(vec![
            coord! {x: 0., y: max.y-1. - max.y/max.x * 1.},
            coord! {x: -1. + max.x/max.y * (max.y - 1.0), y: 0.},
            coord! {x: max.x-1. - max.x/3. * 1., y: 0.},
            coord! {x: 0., y: -1. - 3./max.x * -(max.x-1.)},

    let clipped_lines = extent.clip(&lines, false);

    println!("clip extent: {:?}", extent);
    println!("input: {:?}", lines);
    println!("output: {:?}", clipped_lines);
        "expected: {:?} (ordered as encountered along the input)",

Here you can see that the output differs from the expected in both the order of the segments (not important for me and guessing clip is not supposed to preserve 'internal' order anyways) and flips one of the output segments

NailxSharipov commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, current algorithm does not keep original order. The current logic just traverse the graph and in fact it can be absolutly random. But it's not hard to keep it, I just haven't know that it's important. I'll try to fix it in the next version.

michaelkirk commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the good reproduction @oyhj1801, and thank you for taking prompt interest @NailxSharipov!

NailxSharipov commented 1 week ago

Good news! In iOverlay 1.8.0, the clipping operation now is keeping original direction. I've also released a debug-app where you can see it in action.