While I didn't add a test for this issue, here's how you can reproduce the problem:
fn test_drop() {
// construct and drop 2000 instances to check for leaks
for _x in 0..1200 {
let _proj = Proj::new(
"+proj=geos +lon_0=0.00 +lat_0=0.00 +a=6378169.00 +b=6356583.80 +h=35785831.0",
On my linux machine I have a limit of 1024 open FDs. By constructing 1200 Proj objects, but not property destroying them, I end up with errors opening proj.db ("Too many open files")
While I didn't add a test for this issue, here's how you can reproduce the problem:
On my linux machine I have a limit of 1024 open FDs. By constructing 1200 Proj objects, but not property destroying them, I end up with errors opening proj.db ("Too many open files")