georust / rinex

RINEX and GNSS data processing :artificial_satellite:
Apache License 2.0
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Handle (ignore) observation epochs containing event flags #226

Closed jigpu closed 3 months ago

jigpu commented 3 months ago

The epochs in an observation file contain flags that can have a value from 0 - 6. If the value is in the range 2 - 5 then it is an "event flag" that signals the following lines will contain type-specific data. Epochs with these particular flags are allowed to not have a date (if it is "not significant"), which would trip up our parsing of the file.

This patchset updates the parsing to better handle these situations. We don't yet do anything with these events, but not falling on our face is still an improvement :)

While we're at it, fix a bug in the meterological code that would trigger a test failure in the presence of some of the other patches in this set.


gwbres commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your contributions! I gave it a test and everything works fine. Moving the Epoch Flag since it is totally dedicated to Observation RINEX, is a good idea.

Planning: i'm working on positioning /performance upgrades in the rtk-0.5 branch, I will publish RINEX 0.16 once this one gets merged. If you're interested in an intermediate release, I can do that just let me know