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Updates H2SO4 production rate passed to MAM4 sulfate nucleation #16

Closed jimmielin closed 1 year ago

jimmielin commented 1 year ago

Updates H2SO4 production rate passed to MAM4 sulfate nucleation to use actual H2SO4 production rate computed by KPP in GEOS-Chem (SO2 + OH). This commit requires GEOS-Chem 14.1.1, specifically the field State_Chm%H2SO4_PRDR introduced in

The background is as follows:

The conversion process is

       ! Calculate H2SO4 production rate for coupling to CESM (interface to MAM4 nucleation)
       DO F = 1, NFAM

          ! Determine dummy species index in KPP
          KppID =  PL_Kpp_Id(F)

          ! Calculate H2SO4 production rate [mol mol-1] in this timestep (hplin, 1/25/23)
          IF ( TRIM(FAM_NAMES(F)) == 'PSO4' ) THEN
             ! mol/mol = molec cm-3 * g * mol(Air)-1 * kg g-1 * m-3 cm3 / (molec mol-1 * kg m-3)
             !         = mol/molAir
             State_Chm%H2SO4_PRDR(I,J,L) = C(KppID) * AIRMW * 1e-3_fp * 1.0e+6_fp / &
                                 (AVO * State_Met%AIRDEN(I,J,L))

             IF ( State_Chm%H2SO4_PRDR(I,J,L) < 0.0d0) THEN
               write(*,*) "H2SO4_PRDR negative in fullchem_mod.F90!!", &
                  I, J, L, "was:", State_Chm%H2SO4_PRDR(I,J,L), "  setting to 0.0d0"
               State_Chm%H2SO4_PRDR(I,J,L) = 0.0d0