geoschem / Cloud-J

Cloud-J is multi-scattering eight-stream radiative transfer model for solar radiation based on Fast-J. It was originally developed by Michael J. Prather.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fix ANU declaration after use for ifort compatibility #4

Closed jimmielin closed 7 months ago

jimmielin commented 7 months ago

When building Cloud-J in GEOS-Chem with ifort I run into the following compile error:

src/Cloud-J/src/Core/fjx_sub_mod.f90(164): error #6415: This name cannot be assigned this data type because it conflicts with prior uses of the name.   [ANU]
      integer, intent(in)                    :: ANU   ! cloud-j input

This is because the declarations of AERSP and NDXAER dimensions use ANU, but ANU is declared two lines later. It appears that ifort enforces the Fortran standard of declaration orders where ANU must come before all usage, so I moved the declaration so the code would build correctly.

Thanks! Haipeng

lizziel commented 7 months ago

Thanks for catching that!