geoschem / GCHP

The "superproject" wrapper repository for GCHP, the high-performance instance of the GEOS-Chem chemical-transport model.
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[BUG/ISSUE] Cannot build GCHP on AWS with benchmark AMI #179

Closed yantosca closed 2 years ago

yantosca commented 2 years ago

What institution are you from?


Description of the problem

GCHP compilation on the AWS cloud when using the benchmark AMI (ami-0f3c21397274a903b) and the default "gchp_env" Spack environment.

Configuration output: log.config.txt Build output:

Sourcing ~/gchp_env loads these packages:

Loading spack package gcc@10.2.0
Loading spack package emacs+X%gcc@10.2.0
Loading spack package cmake%gcc@10.2.0
Loading spack package openmpi%gcc@10.2.0
Loading spack package netcdf-fortran%gcc@10.2.0
Loading spack package esmf%gcc@10.2.0

And all Spack-built packages are:

==> 96 installed packages
-- linux-ubuntu20.04-x86_64 / gcc@9.3.0 -------------------------
gcc@10.2.0  gmp@6.2.1  mpc@1.1.0  mpfr@4.1.0  zlib@1.2.11  zstd@1.5.0

-- linux-ubuntu20.04-x86_64 / gcc@10.2.0 ------------------------
antlr@2.7.7          gdb@10.2              libidn2@2.3.0         libxml2@2.9.10          pcre@8.44
autoconf@2.69        gdbm@1.19             libjpeg-turbo@2.0.6   libxmu@1.1.2            perl@5.34.0
automake@1.16.3      gettext@0.21          libmd@1.0.3           libxpm@3.5.12           pkgconf@1.7.4
berkeley-db@18.1.40  giflib@5.2.1          libpciaccess@0.16     libxt@1.1.5             proj@7.2.1
bison@3.7.6          googletest@1.10.0     libpng@1.6.37         m4@1.4.19               python@3.8.10
bzip2@1.0.8          gsl@2.6               libpthread-stubs@0.4  nasm@2.15.05            readline@8.1
cdo@1.9.10           hdf5@1.10.7           libsigsegv@2.13       nco@4.9.3               sqlite@3.35.5
cgdb@0.7.0           hdf5@1.10.7           libsm@1.2.3           ncurses@6.2             tar@1.34
cmake@3.20.3         hdf5@1.10.7           libszip@2.1.1         netcdf-c@4.8.0          udunits@2.2.28
curl@7.76.1          hwloc@2.5.0           libtiff@4.1.0         netcdf-c@4.8.0          util-linux-uuid@2.36.2
diffutils@3.7        inputproto@2.3.2      libtool@2.4.6         netcdf-fortran@4.5.3    util-macros@1.19.1
eccodes@2.21.0       kbproto@1.0.7         libunistring@0.9.10   numactl@2.0.14          xcb-proto@1.14.1
emacs@27.2           libbsd@0.11.3         libx11@1.7.0          openblas@0.3.15         xerces-c@3.2.3
esmf@8.0.1           libedit@3.1-20210216  libxau@1.0.8          openjpeg@2.3.1          xextproto@7.3.0
expat@2.3.0          libevent@2.1.12       libxaw@1.0.13         openmpi@4.0.5           xproto@7.0.31
fftw@3.3.9           libffi@3.3            libxcb@1.14           openssh@8.5p1           xtrans@1.3.5
findutils@4.8.0      libice@1.0.9          libxdmcp@1.1.2        openssl@1.1.1k          xz@5.2.5
flex@2.6.3           libiconv@1.16         libxext@1.3.3         parallel-netcdf@1.12.2  zlib@1.2.11
yantosca commented 2 years ago

I have solved this issue, I believe it is related to the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE issue.