geoschem / GCHP

The "superproject" wrapper repository for GCHP, the high-performance instance of the GEOS-Chem chemical-transport model.
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ExtData reading error #390

Closed TianYangMY closed 4 months ago

TianYangMY commented 6 months ago

Name and Institution (Required)

Name:Shuai Li Institution:SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY

Description of your issue or question

When I run GCHP, the GC.log doesn't give a reason for the error, but then the allPE .log shows the following error CAP.EXTDATA: ERROR: UpdateBracketTime: Could not find data within maximum offset range from ./HcoDir/OFFLINE_BIOVOC/v2021-12/0.5x0.625/%y4/%m2/, Strangely, I didn't turn on the option to use OFFLINE_BIOVOC in the HEMCO_Config.rc file, and I'd like to know why that is! @lizziel

Please provide as much detail as possible. Always include the GCHP version number and any relevant configuration and log files.

GCHP 14.2.3
GCC 10.2.0
openmpi 4.1.1
esmf 8.4.2

ENV_GCHP.txt slurm-7623323.out.txt allPEs.log.txt GC.log.txt DefaultCollection.rcx.txt logfile.000000.out.txt

lizziel commented 6 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. Could you also provide your ExtData.rc and HEMCO_Config.rc config files? I am curious to see the settings.

TianYangMY commented 6 months ago

Sorry to reply you so late because of the time difference. Provide you with ExtData.rc and HEMCO_Config.rc. @lizziel ExtData.rc.txt HEMCO_Config.rc.txt

lizziel commented 6 months ago

Hi @TianYangMY, could try posting your ExtData.rc file again? It am not able to open it. Also try commenting out the offline biogenic VOCs section of ExtData.rc, run again, and see what new error you get.

TianYangMY commented 6 months ago

I comment out the offline biogenic VOCs section of ExtData.rc, but it stop the same process...... allPEs.log.txt DefaultCollection.rcx.txt ExtData.rc.txt GC.log.txt HEMCO_Config.rc.txt logfile.000000.out.txt slurm-7630167.out.txt

TianYangMY commented 6 months ago


lizziel commented 6 months ago

Hi @TianYangMY, the error in the log file is this, which appears here in the code: pe=00003 FAIL at line=00803 ExtDataGridCompMod.F90 <Found 146 unfulfilled imports in extdata>

The next step is to figure out what those 146 unfulfilled imports are. If the error handling is correct then this message means 146 entries in ExtData.rc were not found.

The allPEs.log file unfortunately does not contain any useful information. You will need to enable MAPL and ExtData debug prints to get information printed there. To do this you can set the following to DEBUG in config file logging.yml.


   # ... etc not shown ...

       handlers: [mpi_shared]
       level: WARNING
       root_level: INFO   <=== Change this to DEBUG

       handlers: [mpi_shared]
       level: WARNING
       root_level: INFO   <=== Change this to DEBUG

After doing this and rerunning (no need to recompile) you should see more details information in ExtData.rc, such as shown in similar GCHP github issue

lizziel commented 6 months ago

Hi @TianYangMY, were you able to resolve this issue?

TianYangMY commented 5 months ago

Sorry, I've been busy with other things lately, these are the new output files, there seems to be a problem with importing the files, but I do have them. allPEs.log.txt DefaultCollection.rcx.txt GC.log.txt hostlist.txt logfile.000000.out.txt slurm-7862811.out.txt

lizziel commented 5 months ago

Hi @TianYangMY, could you post your ExtData.rc file? That is the most relevant configuration file for import files.

lizziel commented 4 months ago

I am closing this issue due to inactivity. @TianYangMY, feel free to reopen if you are still having problems.