geoschem / GCHP

The "superproject" wrapper repository for GCHP, the high-performance instance of the GEOS-Chem chemical-transport model.
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Error with CMIP6 file #414

Open tessac2 opened 1 month ago

tessac2 commented 1 month ago

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Name: Tessa Clarizio Institution: UIUC

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Hi GCSP! I am running GCHP v14.2.0 using Singularity with GEOSFP meteorology for 2019. I am running into an issue where I get an error "./HcoDir/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5/ [No such file or directory]". I am a bit confused why I am getting this error, because I was able to do a run successfully in the same time period in 2019 when I was using MERRA2 meteorology. I also got an error file I had not seen before, "PET000.ESMF_Logfile". So I am not sure if the reason I am getting this error is because of the different met fields or for other changes I made, and if there is a way to circumvent this error? I made the following modifications (which I did not do when I was testing out a run with MERRA2):





image image

gchp.20190701_0000z.log HISTORY.txt PET000.ESMF_LogFile.txt slurm-11190673.txt HEMCO_Diagn.txt ExtData.txt HEMCO_Config.txt

yantosca commented 1 month ago

Hi @tessac2, thanks for writing. I noticed in the slurm log there is this output:

nf90_open: returned error code (2) opening ./HcoDir/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5/ [No such file or directory]
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00280    NetCDF4_FileFormatter.F90                <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00097    DataCollection.F90                       <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=02799    ExtDataGridCompMod.F90                   <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=02526    ExtDataGridCompMod.F90                   <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=01346    ExtDataGridCompMod.F90                   <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=01807    MAPL_Generic.F90                         <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=01337    MAPL_CapGridComp.F90                     <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=01300    MAPL_CapGridComp.F90                     <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=01260    MAPL_CapGridComp.F90                     <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00837    MAPL_CapGridComp.F90                     <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00977    MAPL_CapGridComp.F90                     <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00301    MAPL_Cap.F90                             <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00258    MAPL_Cap.F90                             <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00192    MAPL_Cap.F90                             <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00169    MAPL_Cap.F90                             <status=2>
pe=00014 FAIL at line=00031    GCHPctm.F90                              <status=2>

It looks like the file name specified in the out-of-the-box ExtData.rc is incorrect. A quick look in my HEMCO/CMIP6/v2020-03 shows that there isn't a resolution string in the file name:

$ cd /path/to/ExtData/HEMCO/CMIP6/v2020-03
$ ls *20*

But in the default ExtData.rc.fullchem there are these entries with the

# --- Surface VMR (SfcVMR) ---
SfcVMR_CH3Cl  ppbv N Y F%y4-%m2-01T00:00:00 none none CH3Cl  ./HcoDir/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5/
SfcVMR_CH2Cl2 ppbv N Y F%y4-%m2-01T00:00:00 none none CH2Cl2 ./HcoDir/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5/
SfcVMR_CHCl3  ppbv N Y F%y4-%m2-01T00:00:00 none none CHCl3  ./HcoDir/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5/
SfcVMR_CH3Br  ppbv N Y F%y4-%m2-01T00:00:00 none none CH3Br  ./HcoDir/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5/

I believe that is the source of the error. Try removing the .2x25 from the above entries in ExtData.rc and see if that works. If so then that's a bug that we'll have to patch.

Tagging @msulprizio @lizziel

tessac2 commented 1 month ago

Thanks Bob! My file path is slightly different than the one you showed /HEMCO/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5 instead of /HEMCO/CMIP6/v2020-03. In the 2x2.5 folder I have files with the extension (from Should the pathway instead be to /HEMCO/CMIP6/v2020-03?

I was also wondering if the error is because the simulation date is in 2019 and the most recent CMIP files is 2014? But I am unsure why I get this error when I previously was able to run a simulation successfully in 2019 when I had MERRA2 as the meteorology.

yantosca commented 1 month ago

Hi @tessac2. D'oh! I didn't see the 2x2.5 folder there, it was at the top of my screen and I was only looking at the bottom.

I also thought about the time cycling... that it the data only goes up to 2014. But I know that the ExtData time cycling isn't as sophisticated as HEMCO. @lizziel can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it keeps searching backwards in time until it finds a file with a valid timestamp. So it the year being 2019 might not be the issue.

One thing you can try is to generate more debug output with by changingCAP.EXTDATA entries in logging.yml from WARNING to DEBUG. You'll get a list of the containers that are being read in. It'll generate a LOT more output, one line per core, so you may want to try running e.g. a c24 simulation with less cores so you don't get a huge allPEs.log file.

tessac2 commented 1 month ago

Thanks @yantosca! When I ran the c24 simulation with the debug I got many PET*.ESMF_LogFiles (numbered 00 to 95). They all have a similar error message 20240520 164632.064 ERROR PET39 ESMF_Time.F90:815 ESMF_TimeGet() Object Set or SetDefault method not called - Object not Initialized . The slurm out file has a similar error as before, ./HcoDir/CMIP6/v2020-03/2x2.5/ [No such file or directory]

image image slurm-11230222.txt PET95.ESMF_LogFile.txt

lizziel commented 1 month ago

Hi @tessac2, the issue is you have a typo at the top of ExtData.rc:

fExt_AllowExtrap: .true.

Because there is an f it is not interpretting that line correctly and thus not extrapolating to closest year.

Regarding the PET files, these are ESMF error log files. We usually see ESMF time errors related to diagnostics in MAPL diagnostics and actually turned off ESMF error message generation by default in 14.3 since they are harmless. Try undoing the HISTORY.rc changes you made and see if the PET log files then go away. Report back on how that goes. This will give us more information to give to NASA GMAO (I have an open issue on their GitHub about ESMF logs files being created).

As an fyi, you do not need to print ExtData debug messages from all cores. You can limit it to root core only like this:

       handlers: [mpi_shared]
       level: WARNING
       root_level: DEBUG
       propagate: false

I am updating the 14.4.0 docs to be more clear about this.

yantosca commented 1 month ago

Thanks @lizziel for catching that!

lizziel commented 1 month ago

@tessac2, let us know if the default ExtData.rc file had that typo. If yes, I'll create a general GitHub issue to alert users. 14.2.0 is pretty old at this point since we are about to release 14.4 so we will not go back and issue a patch.

tessac2 commented 1 month ago

@lizziel Thank you so much for pointing that out! There was no typo in the default-- I (or my cat who loves to walk across the keyboard) must have accidentally hit a button when I was opening the ExtData.rc file and I did not notice. Thank you so much for catching it!

This solved the CMIP issue I am having, but I am still having a bit of trouble getting the code to run. I am now getting an error, where it says it cannot find variables like MEK, CH4, CO2, etc in the QFED files. My guess is that I labeled them wrong in the ExtData.rc when I was filling in the QFED section. I had tried to copy and paste from the HEMCO_Config.rc and rearrange accordingly to match the new formatting, and delete the lines that were just '-', but I still get errors. I am also a bit confused because the HEMCO_Config.rc has QFED emissions divided into PBL and FT, but I was not sure how to do that in ExtData (or if it is possible/necessary). I read through issue and the links provided there but was still having a bit of trouble understanding. I was wondering if you could advise or if there is any example for QFED emissions? Thanks!

image slurm-11272551.txt ExtData.txt

yantosca commented 1 month ago

@tessac2, I have 2 cats so I understand exactly what you mean :-)

Also, in ExtData.rc I believe you don't have to read the same variable twice.

In the default HEMCO_Config.rc file e.g. ACET is written like this:

0 QFED_ACET_PBL  $ROOT/QFED/v2018-07/$YYYY/$MM/qfed2.emis_acet.006.$YYYY$MM$DD.nc4 biomass 2000-2022/1-12/1-31/0/+12hour EFY xyL=1:PBL     kg/m2/s ACET 75/311        5 2
0 QFED_ACET_FT   $ROOT/QFED/v2018-07/$YYYY/$MM/qfed2.emis_acet.006.$YYYY$MM$DD.nc4 biomass 2000-2022/1-12/1-31/0/+12hour EFY xyL=PBL:5500m kg/m2/s ACET 75/312        5 2

But I think it could be written like this, so that the QFED_ACET_FT can be "piggybacked" onto the previous entry

0 QFED_ACET_PBL  $ROOT/QFED/v2018-07/$YYYY/$MM/qfed2.emis_acet.006.$YYYY$MM$DD.nc4 biomass 2000-2022/1-12/1-31/0/+12hour EFY xyL=1:PBL     kg/m2/s ACET 75/311        5 2
0 QFED_ACET_FT   -                                                                 -       -                             -   xyL=PBL:5500m kg/m2/s ACET 75/312        5 2

For "piggybacked" entries in GCHP, you only have to specify the entry where the file is read from disk (i.e. the one with the file name). HEMCO will figure out the rest.

So you would only need to add the QFED_*_PBL entries in ExtData.rc, I think.

lizziel commented 1 month ago

@yantosca is right on that! Putting the same filename/variable name pair in ExtData.rc more than once just slows down the model. If you use the dashes method in HEMCO_Config.rc then it reduces the GCHP I/O overhead.

As for the error of not finding ACET, I think it is because the variable name in the file is actually biomass. You need to put the file variable name rather than the GEOS-Chem species in ExtData.rc. MAPL will read that variable from file and assign it to the HEMCO variable name, e.g. QFED_ACET_PBL. Then HEMCO will assign it a GEOS-Chem species based on what is in HEMCO_Config.rc. Hopefully updating the ExtData.rc variable name name will fix the remaining issues.

tessac2 commented 1 month ago

Thanks Bob!

For reference this was the error I was initially getting. image

Then I deleted the FT entries in GCHP and changed the species name to biomass and got this error in the allPEs.log: image image

So I added the FT lines back in. It seems to be running now so I will update you on the results!

lizziel commented 1 month ago

Look like we commented at exactly the same time!

tessac2 commented 1 month ago

Thanks @lizziel! It seems to be running now will follow up :)

tessac2 commented 3 weeks ago

Just providing an update, I was able to get it to run temporarily, but the run keeps failing a few weeks in. I have been running for 1 week at a time. Initially I tried running in October 2020, running for 1 week at a time. Then, for the run starting 2020-10-22 I got the error KPP failed to converge. In line with other GCHP issues that had similar errors, I changed the restart file date and I started the simulation from another month, 2020-11-01. However, this also failed a couple weeks into the simulation with the same error.

image gchp.20201022_0000z.log gchp.20201115_0000z.log

lizziel commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @tessac2, are you able to reproduce this problem when running with the default emissions?

tessac2 commented 1 week ago

Thanks @lizziel, I did not get the same error when I switched from QFED back to GFED. I wonder if I filled in the ExtData correctly when I had QFED emissions, and if this caused an error? (screenshot is shown in previous reply). Or if it has something else to do with QFED?

lizziel commented 1 week ago

Hi @tessac2, I am not sure if anyone in the community uses QFED with GCHP. You could try doing a run with frequent diagnostics and then look at the results to see if anything is going off the rails. You can also add in QFED emissions as diagnostics to see what they look like. These diagnostics use the vertical height injection feature of HEMCO (xyL=1:PBL) so I wonder if something is off there.