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GEOS-Chem "Science Codebase" repository. Contains GEOS-Chem science routines, run directory generation scripts, and interface code. This repository is used as a submodule within the GCClassic and GCHP wrappers, as well as in other modeling contexts (external ESMs).
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[BUG/ISSUE] volInorg < H2Oinorg in N2O5_InorgOrg for near-zero inorganics #263

Closed LiamBindle closed 4 years ago

LiamBindle commented 4 years ago

Report a GEOS-Chem bug or technical issue

Describe the bug

Recently I updated my stretched-grid test suite to GCHPctm 13.0.0-alpha.3 which uses GEOS-Chem 12.7.2. In my latest suite of tests about half of them crashed in N2O5_InorgOrg() because of floating point exceptions. These floating point exceptions where because H2Oinorg>volInorg (by a very small amount) which caused volDryRatio to be negative:

This led to a FPE a bit later in N2O5_InorOrg. I added some print lines to N2O5_InorgOrg() to inspect volInorg and H2Oinorg right before the model crashed. That output was

 ERROR: volRatioDry < 0
 <Total volume>
       volInorg:    3.3898305084745676E-023
 +     volOrg:      7.0299460609683461E-022
 =     volTotal:    7.3689291118158030E-022

 <Total H2O>
       H2OInorg:    3.3898305084745681E-023
 +     H2Oorg:      1.0263650675763886E-022
 =     H2Ototal:    1.3653481184238455E-022

 <Dry Inorganic>
                 volInorg:    3.3898305084745676E-023
 -               H2Oinorg:    3.3898305084745681E-023
 =  numerator_volRatioDry:   -5.8774717541114375E-039

So, volInorg and H2Oinorg are approximately the same but H2Oinorg is slightly bigger.

For this to be the case, this means when N2O5_InorgOrg() is called XH2O(8) (inorganic aerosol water content) > XVOL(8) (inorganic aerosol specific volume). These are calculated here:

and AeroArea, AeroRadi, and AeroH2O for sulfate are calculated here:

I added some print lines after line 2043 in aerosol_mod.F to inspect VH2O, VDry, RW(1), REFF. Their values right before the model crashed were:

 VH2O=   3.3898305084745746E-023
 VDry=   4.8297717151586559E-039
 RW(1)=  0.10100000000000001     
 REFF=   19337.715529726152     

 SCALER=   191462.52999728863     
 SCALEVOL=   7018614353625229.0     
 ERADIUS(I,J,L,N+NDUST)=   1.9337715529726154     

 WAERSL(I,J,L,N)=   8.2106119157697154E-036
 MSDENS(N)=   1700.0000000000000 

So VDry is 16 orders of magnitude smaller than VH2O which causes REFF to be huge:

I tried to traceback the handling of near-zero inorganics, but I got confused. Does anyone know what might be happening here? It almost looks like a precision/truncation problem to me.

I found that if I forced volDryRatio to 0 or greater it fixed the floating-point-exceptions and all my simulations ran to completion. Does anyone have any ideas?

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yantosca commented 4 years ago

Hi Liam. Thanks for writing.

This seems to be a classic instance of floating point error caused by the difference of two variables that are very close to each other.

 <Dry Inorganic>
                 volInorg:    3.3898305084745676E-023
 -               H2Oinorg:    3.3898305084745681E-023
 =  numerator_volRatioDry:   -5.8774717541114375E-039

For reference, here are a few articles about this subject:


I think it might be OK to set the numerator to zero if it's smaller than e.g. 1e-32 or some other very small number. 1e-39 is essentially zero. Or you could test if the numerator is a certain number of orders of magnitude smaller than the smaller of the values.

LiamBindle commented 4 years ago

Thanks Bob for the help and suggestion! I'll implement a fix like the one you suggest and open a PR.

LiamBindle commented 4 years ago

Just following up on this. I talked with @emcduffie about this last Wednesday and she had some concerns regarding volDryRatio=0. Specifically, I think the concern is water uptake on the inorganic is non-zero despite the inorganic itself being approximately non-zero (or at least, it's a lot less "non-zero"). She suggested I follow up with Chris Holmes so we can determine if this input to N2O5_InorgOrg() is problematic, or whether this is input is valid and N2O5_InorgOrg() is missing some logic.

(@emcduffie, please correct me if I've misexplained anything)

msulprizio commented 4 years ago

@cdholmes Do you have any thoughts on how to resolve this issue?

cdholmes commented 4 years ago

See this comment in aerosol_mod.F

This explains why the ISORROPIA water content can be non-zero when there is effectively zero sulfate-nitrate-ammonium. Until someone can provide the optical properties of organic-coated sulfate-nitrate-ammonium-seasalt aerosol, we are stuck using external mixing in aerosol_mod.F. Roundoff error could also contribute, as mentioned above.


  1. As suggested already, volDryRatio should not be less than 0.
  2. We should prevent REFF from becoming unreasonably large in aerosol_mod.F, although it's not clear if large values will cause any problems. I suggest setting a maximum value of REFF <= 4 * RW(1)
cdholmes commented 4 years ago

Addressed in pull request #272

LiamBindle commented 4 years ago

Thanks @cdholmes for the update

yantosca commented 4 years ago

I will close out this issue. Feel free to reopen.

cdholmes commented 4 years ago

@yantosca I still recommend integrating my pull request #272 into the GC code. The pull request fixes the negative value issue and excessive growth identified by Liam. There's still a (longstanding) science issue regarding aerosol mixing state, but that shouldn't stop us from fixing these bugs.

yantosca commented 4 years ago

Hi Chris, thanks for writing. Your pull request is slated for 12.9.0. It will go in very soon.