geoschem / geos-chem

GEOS-Chem "Science Codebase" repository. Contains GEOS-Chem science routines, run directory generation scripts, and interface code. This repository is used as a submodule within the GCClassic and GCHP wrappers, as well as in other modeling contexts (external ESMs).
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[BUG/ISSUE] GEOS-CHEM ERROR: Could not find FRLAKE in HEMCO data list! #553

Closed wreckdump closed 3 years ago

wreckdump commented 3 years ago

Report a GEOS-Chem bug or technical issue

Describe the bug:

Expected behavior:

I expected the model to run. I did download the ExtData/GEOS_4x5/MERRA2/2015/01/MERRA2.20150101.CN.4x5.nc4 file into the data directory, but the model can not read it somehow. The file is not corrupted, I did confirm it with ncdump/ncview. I even tried to change the file name to MERRA2.20160101.CN.4x5.nc4 and move it to the 2016/01 directory, but it gave me the same error messages.

Actual behavior:

It wouldn't run with the error message shown below.

Steps to reproduce: the bug:

  1. make -j8 build

Run commands

  1. ./geos (no dry run, dry run gives same output for some reason)

Error messages

%%%%%               HEMCO: Harvard-NASA Emissions Component               %%%%%
%%%%%               You are using HEMCO version 2.2.0                     %%%%%

Reading settings & switches of HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc
 % Chemistry is set to false in input.geos so chemistry  %
 % data will not be read by HEMCO (hcoi_gc_main_mod.F90) %

Reading fields of HEMCO configuration file: HEMCO_Config.rc
HEMCO: Opening /gpfs/projects/MakGroup/ExtData/HEMCO/TIMEZONES/v2015-02/
GEOS-CHEM ERROR: Could not find FRLAKE in HEMCO data list!
STOP at GET_MET_2D (get_met_mod.F90)

Required information:

Your GEOS-Chem version and runtime environment:

Input and log files to attach

Additional context

yantosca commented 3 years ago

Thanks for writing @wreckdump. I think the issue is this:

 % Chemistry is set to false in input.geos so chemistry  %
 % data will not be read by HEMCO (hcoi_gc_main_mod.F90) %

This code (in GeosCore/hco_gc_interface_mod.F90) turns off the chemistry data input via HEMCO if chemistry is turned off in input.geos:

    ! If chemistry is turned off, do not read chemistry input data
    IF ( .NOT. Input_Opt%LCHEM ) THEN

       IF ( Input_Opt%amIRoot ) THEN
          Print*, '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
          Print*, '% Chemistry is set to false in input.geos so chemistry  %'
          Print*, '% data will not be read by HEMCO (hco_interface_gc_mod.F90)%'
          Print*, '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'

       OptName = 'CHEMISTRY_INPUT : false'
       CALL AddExtOpt( HcoConfig, TRIM(OptName), CoreNr, RC=HMRC )

       ! Trap potential errors
          RC     = HMRC
          ErrMsg = 'Error encountered in "AddExtOpt( CHEMISTRY_INPUT )"!'
          CALL GC_Error( ErrMsg, RC, ThisLoc, Instr )


but it should not turn off the metorology input. Take a look at your HEMCO_Config.rc file and make that the METEOROLOGY switch is always turned on:

# ----- MASTER SWITCHES ---------------------
    --> EMISSIONS              :       true
    --> METEOROLOGY            :       true  
    --> CHEMISTRY_INPUT        :       true

if not, then HEMCO won't read in the meteorology data.

wreckdump commented 3 years ago

Yup. That was the problem! Thank you!