geoschem / integrated_methane_inversion

Integrated Methane Inversion workflow repository.
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Unable to create rectilinear state vector #111

Closed psadavarte closed 1 year ago

psadavarte commented 1 year ago

Hi IMI support team

What institution are you from?

I'm a Research Scientist from Duke University.

Description of the problem

I'm a beginner-level researcher in terms of using inversion for my study. Currently, I'm running the IMI on AWS and following the steps provided on the website I was able to generate the results over Permian for 1-week which come pre-loaded. For my study I tried replicating the same, but over different regions. Initially, I started with my focus on Poland and changing the meteorology and resolution.

Given that, I modified the config.yml file (copied at the bottom) and provided the lat-lon for my domain study, along with met changed to "merra2" and res changed to "0.5x0.625". While retaining the rest of the setting as it is. The idea was to gradually modify the configuration file as per the study. I've also attached the respective log file to understand the error I received. Please take a look.

Apart from just modifying the config.yml files, do I have to modify and execute any other file before running the imi executable?

Description of troubleshooting performed

I did some troubleshooting here. For eg, I changed the region (changed the lat-lon) while keeping the rest of the configuration as it is, which gave me a completely different error. Log files are attached for your perusal.

IMI version

Latest Version: imi-1.1.0

Attach relevant files

Copied relevant files

Thanking you in advance. I hope I have provided sufficient information. imi_output_southafrica.log imi_output_poland.log

=============== Config_poland.yml==================


RunName: "Test_Poland_1week" isAWS: true UseSlurm: true SafeMode: true

Period of interest

StartDate: 20180501 EndDate: 20180508 SpinupMonths: 1

Region of interest

These lat/lon bounds are only used if CreateAutomaticRectilinearStateVectorFile: true

Otherwise lat/lon bounds are determined from StateVectorFile

LonMin: 18.40 LonMax: 19.40 LatMin: 49.50 LatMax: 50.50

Use nested grid simulation?

Must be "true" for IMI regional inversions

NestedGrid: true

Select nested grid region (for using pre-cropped meteorological fields)

Current options are listed below with ([lat],[lon]) bounds:

"AF" : Africa ([-37,40], [-20,53])

"AS" : Asia ([-11,55],[60,150])

"EU" : Europe ([33,61],[-30,70])

"ME" : Middle East ([12,44], [-20,70])

"NA" : North America ([10,70],[-140,-40])

"OC" : Oceania ([-50,5], [110,180])

"RU" : Russia ([41,83], [19,180])

"SA" : South America ([-59,16], [-88,-31])

"" : Use for global met fields (global simulation/custom nested grids)

For example, if the region of interest is in Europe ([33,61],[-30,70]), select "EU".

NestedRegion: "EU"

State vector

CreateAutomaticRectilinearStateVectorFile: true nBufferClusters: 8 BufferDeg: 5 LandThreshold: 0.25

Custom state vector

StateVectorFile: "/home/ubuntu/integrated_methane_inversion/resources/statevectors/" ShapeFile: "/home/ubuntu/integrated_methane_inversion/resources/shapefiles/PermianBasin_Extent_201712.shp"


PriorError: 0.5 ObsError: 15 Gamma: 1.0 PrecomputedJacobian: false


Select "0.25x0.3125" and "geosfp", or "0.5x0.625" and "merra2"

Res: "0.5x0.625" Met: "merra2"

Setup modules

Turn on/off different steps in setting up the inversion

SetupTemplateRundir: true SetupSpinupRun: false SetupJacobianRuns: false SetupInversion: false SetupPosteriorRun: false

Run modules

Turn on/off different steps in performing the inversion

RunSetup: true DoSpinup: false DoJacobian: false DoInversion: false DoPosterior: false

IMI preview

DoPreview: true DOFSThreshold: 0


Advanced Settings (optional)


These settings are intended for advanced users who wish to:

a. modify additional GEOS-Chem options, or

b. run the IMI on a local cluster.

They can be ignored for any standard cloud application of the IMI.


Additional settings for GEOS-Chem simulations


Jacobian settings

PerturbValue: 1.5

Apply scale factors from a previous inversion?

UseEmisSF: false UseOHSF: false

Save out hourly diagnostics from GEOS-Chem?

For use in satellite operators via post-processing -- required for TROPOMI


HourlyCH4: true

Turn on planeflight diagnostic in GEOS-Chem?

For use in comparing GEOS-Chem against planeflight data. The path

to those data must be specified in input.geos.


Turn on old observation operators in GEOS-Chem?

These will save out text files comparing GEOS-Chem to observations, but have

to be manually incorporated into the IMI

GOSAT: false TCCON: false AIRS: false


Settings for running on a local cluster


Path for IMI runs and output

OutputPath: "/home/ubuntu/imi_output_dir"

Path to GEOS-Chem input data

DataPath: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData"

Environment files

CondaFile: "/home/ubuntu/miniconda/etc/profile.d/" CondaEnv: "geo"

Download initial restart file from AWS S3?

RestartDownload: true

Path to initial GEOS-Chem restart file + prefix

("YYYYMMDD_0000z.nc4" will be appended)

RestartFilePrefix: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData/BoundaryConditions/GEOSChem.BoundaryConditions." RestartFilePreviewPrefix: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData/BoundaryConditions/GEOSChem.BoundaryConditions."

Path to GEOS-Chem boundary condition files (for nested grid simulations)

BCpath: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData/BoundaryConditions"

Options to download missing GEOS-Chem input data from AWS S3

NOTE: You will be charged if your ec2 instance is not in the

us-east-1 region.

PreviewDryRun: true SpinupDryrun: true ProductionDryRun: true PosteriorDryRun: true BCdryrun: true

=============== Config_southafrica.yml==================


RunName: "Test_Southafrica_1week" isAWS: true UseSlurm: true SafeMode: true

Period of interest

StartDate: 20180501 EndDate: 20180508 SpinupMonths: 1

Region of interest

These lat/lon bounds are only used if CreateAutomaticRectilinearStateVectorFile: true

Otherwise lat/lon bounds are determined from StateVectorFile

LonMin: 27.40 LonMax: 28.60 LatMin: -13.10 LatMax: -12.10

Use nested grid simulation?

Must be "true" for IMI regional inversions

NestedGrid: true

Select nested grid region (for using pre-cropped meteorological fields)

Current options are listed below with ([lat],[lon]) bounds:

"AF" : Africa ([-37,40], [-20,53])

"AS" : Asia ([-11,55],[60,150])

"EU" : Europe ([33,61],[-30,70])

"ME" : Middle East ([12,44], [-20,70])

"NA" : North America ([10,70],[-140,-40])

"OC" : Oceania ([-50,5], [110,180])

"RU" : Russia ([41,83], [19,180])

"SA" : South America ([-59,16], [-88,-31])

"" : Use for global met fields (global simulation/custom nested grids)

For example, if the region of interest is in Europe ([33,61],[-30,70]), select "EU".

NestedRegion: "AF"

State vector

CreateAutomaticRectilinearStateVectorFile: true nBufferClusters: 8 BufferDeg: 5 LandThreshold: 0.25

Custom state vector

StateVectorFile: "/home/ubuntu/integrated_methane_inversion/resources/statevectors/" ShapeFile: "/home/ubuntu/integrated_methane_inversion/resources/shapefiles/PermianBasin_Extent_201712.shp"


PriorError: 0.5 ObsError: 15 Gamma: 1.0 PrecomputedJacobian: false


Select "0.25x0.3125" and "geosfp", or "0.5x0.625" and "merra2"

Res: "0.5x0.625" Met: "merra2"

Setup modules

Turn on/off different steps in setting up the inversion

SetupTemplateRundir: true SetupSpinupRun: false SetupJacobianRuns: false SetupInversion: false SetupPosteriorRun: false

Run modules

Turn on/off different steps in performing the inversion

RunSetup: true DoSpinup: false DoJacobian: false DoInversion: false DoPosterior: false

IMI preview

DoPreview: true DOFSThreshold: 0


Advanced Settings (optional)


These settings are intended for advanced users who wish to:

a. modify additional GEOS-Chem options, or

b. run the IMI on a local cluster.

They can be ignored for any standard cloud application of the IMI.


Additional settings for GEOS-Chem simulations


Jacobian settings

PerturbValue: 1.5

Apply scale factors from a previous inversion?

UseEmisSF: false UseOHSF: false

Save out hourly diagnostics from GEOS-Chem?

For use in satellite operators via post-processing -- required for TROPOMI


HourlyCH4: true

Turn on planeflight diagnostic in GEOS-Chem?

For use in comparing GEOS-Chem against planeflight data. The path

to those data must be specified in input.geos.


Turn on old observation operators in GEOS-Chem?

These will save out text files comparing GEOS-Chem to observations, but have

to be manually incorporated into the IMI

GOSAT: false TCCON: false AIRS: false


Settings for running on a local cluster


Path for IMI runs and output

OutputPath: "/home/ubuntu/imi_output_dir"

Path to GEOS-Chem input data

DataPath: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData"

Environment files

CondaFile: "/home/ubuntu/miniconda/etc/profile.d/" CondaEnv: "geo"

Download initial restart file from AWS S3?

RestartDownload: true

Path to initial GEOS-Chem restart file + prefix

("YYYYMMDD_0000z.nc4" will be appended)

RestartFilePrefix: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData/BoundaryConditions/GEOSChem.BoundaryConditions." RestartFilePreviewPrefix: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData/BoundaryConditions/GEOSChem.BoundaryConditions."

Path to GEOS-Chem boundary condition files (for nested grid simulations)

BCpath: "/home/ubuntu/ExtData/BoundaryConditions"

Options to download missing GEOS-Chem input data from AWS S3

NOTE: You will be charged if your ec2 instance is not in the

us-east-1 region.

PreviewDryRun: true SpinupDryrun: true ProductionDryRun: true PosteriorDryRun: true BCdryrun: true

laestrada commented 1 year ago

Hi @psadavarte,

Thanks for writing in -- I hope you are finding the IMI to be useful!

For your poland inversion it seems that the paths for your simulations are mixed between .25 and .5 degree grids. Eg. in your log file it tries to download GEOS_0.25x0.3125/GEOS_FP/2018/05/ This is a known bug with using the .5 degree option for the IMI and is fixed in the development branch. This fix will be included in IMI 1.2, which we are planning to release in the next 2 weeks. I would recommend sticking with the .25 degree resolution until then.

For your inversion over South Africa, for now .5 degree resolution is not supported over African domains. This is due to storage space constraints for hosting the meteorological files driving the simulations, so we are prioritizing the higher resolution option.

If you are worried about the increased computational expense for using the .25 degree option, IMI 1.2 will also include options to reduce the state vector dimension, reducing the computational expense by effectively reducing resolution over areas with low emissions and maintaining high resolution where there are strong emissions.

Let us know if this resolves your issue (or if you run into any additional problems) so that I can close the issue.

Best, Lucas and the IMI Team

psadavarte commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for your response. I will try incorporating your feedback and get back to you if the problem still persisted.