geoscixyz / geosci-labs

collection of notebook-apps for concepts in applied geophysics
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Add gravity apps #7

Closed yangdikun closed 5 years ago

yangdikun commented 5 years ago

I am about to create a new module - gravity.

The first app is forward modeling of gravititional anomaly due to a sphere. Assuming surface measurement, there are three parameters: z: depth to the center of sphere a: radius of the sphere delta_rho: density contrast

The interface uses sliders to control the three parameters; when click "plot", the g anomaly along a profile over the sphere is plotted, as well as a contour map on the surface.

Does this sound ok?

lheagy commented 5 years ago

The parameter choices sound quite reasonable. I don't think you will need a "plot" button. The compute-time should be short enough that the plots can continually be updated.

Also, do you want to include any survey design parameters? e.g. station spacing in the x, y directions? This was useful in the mag apps for asking questions about how to design a survey in order to detect a target of interest.

cc @dougoldenburg: any other suggestions for a gravity app?

yangdikun commented 5 years ago

Good point! My students just showed me their draft version of the app. I will ask them to add station spacing.

Lindsey: you are right. There is not need of 'plot' button. They just showed me the plotting is real-time. I had another feature: keep the previous plots for comparison when adjusting the sliders. The function can be turned on/off by a checkbox.