geoscript / geoscript-groovy

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Issues with asc raster math #40

Open moovida opened 6 years ago

moovida commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am trying to do a very simple raster diff (manually to teach students). The script is the following:

import geoscript.layer.*

def base = "path/to/base/folder/"
def dsmPath = base + "DSM_SolarTirol_small.asc"
def dtmPath = base + "DTM_SolarTirol_small.asc"
def chmPath = base + "CHM.asc"

def dtmRaster = Format.getFormat(dtmPath).read()
def dsmRaster = Format.getFormat(dsmPath).read()
def outChmRaster = Format.getFormat(dsmPath).read()

def cols = dtmRaster.cols
def rows = dtmRaster.rows
def nv = -9999.0

for ( row in 0..(rows-1)) {
    for ( col in 0..(cols-1)) {
        def position = [col, row]
        def dtmValue = dtmRaster.getValue(position)
        def dsmValue = dsmRaster.getValue(position)
        if(dtmValue != nv && dsmValue != nv){
            def chmValue = dsmValue - dtmValue
            outChmRaster.setValue(position, chmValue)


Issues with this:

jericks commented 6 years ago

I am not exactly sure what is going on, but I added two units tests to make sure ArcGrid Rasters work with the setValue and getValue commands.

The only thing I noticed was:

def outChmRaster = Format.getFormat(dsmPath).read()

Should dsmPath be chmPath?

moovida commented 6 years ago
def outChmRaster = Format.getFormat(dsmPath).read()

Should dsmPath be chmPath?

Actually not. This is the trick I am using in order to not have to create the Raster manually (part of point 2). Usually one wants to have a new raster of the exact grid of the used rasters, so the simplest is to re-read one of the rasters and use it to overwrite. Is there a better way using the data of an existing raster?

I will look into your commit and see if it works for me.

Mind that the first point (0.5 resolution) is a bug in my opinion. Your testcases do not consider this, since the rasters you create are not aware of cell resolution:

For example in this case:

        Bounds bounds = new Bounds(0, 0, 7, 5, "EPSG:4326")
        List data = [
        Raster raster = new Raster(data, bounds)

what is resolution? 1?

moovida commented 6 years ago

I created two mini ASC files to reproduce in a testcase the cell resolution problem, which I think is a bug:

Script used:

import geoscript.layer.*

def base = "/your/path/to/data/"
def dsmPath = base + "test_dsm.asc"
def dtmPath = base + "test_dtm.asc"
def chmPath = base + "test_chm.asc"

def dtmRaster = Format.getFormat(dtmPath).read()
def dsmRaster = Format.getFormat(dsmPath).read()
def outChmRaster = Format.getFormat(dsmPath).read()

def cols = dtmRaster.cols
def rows = dtmRaster.rows
def nv = -9999.0

for ( row in 0..(rows-1)) {
    for ( col in 0..(cols-1)) {
        def position = [col, row]
        def dtmValue = dtmRaster.getValue(position)
        def dsmValue = dsmRaster.getValue(position)
        if(dtmValue != nv && dsmValue != nv){
            def chmValue = dsmValue - dtmValue
            outChmRaster.setValue(position, chmValue)


Instead with those two it seem to not have the strange diff problem I was experiencing. Will need to check that on my side.

moovida commented 6 years ago

Last note about the problem 2 in the original issue. The script still doesn't work on large rasters. I have no idea why. But it does if I use the data list approach.

import geoscript.layer.*
import geoscript.geom.*

def base = "path"
def dsmPath = base + "DSM_SolarTirol_small.asc"
def dtmPath = base + "DTM_SolarTirol_small.asc"
def chmPath = base + "CHM.asc"

def dtmRaster = Format.getFormat(dtmPath).read()
def dsmRaster = Format.getFormat(dsmPath).read()
def outChmRasterData = []

def cols = dtmRaster.cols
def rows = dtmRaster.rows
def nv = -9999.0

for ( row in 0..(rows-1)) {
    def rowData = []
    for ( col in 0..(cols-1)) {
        def position = [col, row]
        def dtmValue = dtmRaster.getValue(position)
        def dsmValue = dsmRaster.getValue(position)
        if(dtmValue != nv && dsmValue != nv){
            def chmValue = dsmValue - dtmValue
            if(chmValue < 1.0) {
                chmValue = nv
            rowData << chmValue
        } else {
            rowData << nv
    outChmRasterData << rowData

def outChmRaster = new Raster(outChmRasterData, dsmRaster.getBounds())

This is just for the record, at the moment I am not able to understand why.

jericks commented 6 years ago

I think I may have discovered the problem. If you try to set values on a raster that exceed the maximum value of the existing raster, the values seem to wrap when you write to disk. If you save the same raster to a new file using a new Format it doesn't wrap and it seems to work.

This script works on a larger raster (the natural earth terrain raster).

I think we should look into the GeoTools GridCoverageBuilder as a way to creating new Raster.

moovida commented 6 years ago

If you try to set values on a raster that exceed the maximum value of the existing raster, the values seem to wrap when you write to disk.

By maximum value you mean the row or col? I am not doing that, so I am not sure I understand what you mean.

Where you able to guess why the 0.5 resolution breaks the getValue in the right border positions?

jericks commented 6 years ago

Bands have minimum and maximum values. I think when you try to write a Raster back to an existing Raster with these values are enforced (not by GeoScript but by GeoTools).

I am not sure about the 0.5 resolution issue yet.

moovida commented 6 years ago

Ah, now I understand, the min/max are on the value itself. That makes sense then. Thank you! Then the only right way to do it is by creating a new raster with the list of data.

jericks commented 6 years ago

I would like to support a better way to dealing with this. Does this help?