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Where is 'Basic Map Editor' Widget? #74

Closed thanhgis closed 10 years ago

thanhgis commented 10 years ago

Dear andypower and the team,

I am very sorry to make this issue request, but I spent a week to build some more functionalities but not successful with AOI (and Basic Map Editor) widget. With your wiki I did success with 'Manage Users' and 'Feature Info', but I cannot find the AOI and Basic Map Editor to build. Maybe I am so idiot.

Could you please guide me where I can find AOI and Basic Map Editor widget?

Thank you very much. UPDATE: I configured AOI in Menubar sucessfully. But for the "Basic Map Editor" in toolbar, I cannot find how to build. After searching in the geo-platform-1.6.x, I guess that we have to register in some .java file, but I don't know how to do. Could you please help. Thanks.

andypower commented 10 years ago

Dear @thanhgis, the AOI functionalities and the Basic Map Editor are the only widget in the Test application that cannot be availables on public repo. We developed these functionalities for third-party order and they do not want to share the code with others. If you want to simulate the functionality you can use the extremely powerful widget: WFS-T editor. If your company need to use the AOI and Basic Map Editor we can customize a new version basing these functionality on your requirements. If you want to submit this request you can contact our sales department at:

thanhgis commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply.

So, finally this is not open source code, so we will have to purchase this widget?

andypower commented 10 years ago

I can try to explain better this point. The geo-platform framework is an open-source product under the terms of LGPL v3. All the code available in this repository is public and can be reused under the terms of license. The only AOI and Basic Map Editor widgets shown on GeoPortal Test are developed for a private order and cannot be found on this public repository because they paid for a private customized widget.

As said before we can realize a new widget that can have the functionalities that you like similarly to the AOI widget and you can decide if you want to release the code to the community or if you want to have this code private.

I hope that these statement can help you to understand better our way to work and to offer services to our customers.

"Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free beer." —Richard Stallman