I have a made a few tests, and indeed there is some export \ compatibility issues between HALE and older versions of GeoServer (2.13.x, 2.12.x, ...).
Before defining a fix plan it would be good to define which GeoServer versions we should target. According to the release schedule [1], the next upcoming releases are:
2018-09-18, 2.14.0
2018-10-18, 2.13.3
2018-11-18, 2.14.1
So GeoServer 2.14.x series will produce the stable releases, the 2.13.x series will enter in the maintenance phase, and 2.12.x series become obsolete.
Which GeoServer version should we focus on ? 2.14.x and 2.13.x ?
Comment added by customer Gabriel Jonsson in Freshdesk ticket id 16305:
In the other ticket about you helping us by creating HALE-mappings for Situation and CCTV we said we should stick to 2.13.X.
The important thing is that the choice of version is synchronized between that work and this ticket. So that we really get one Geoserver-version where everything works.
If this issue for some reason would be easier to fix in 2.14 we can talk about switching target to that in both tickets, but otherwise 2.13 is the default answer.
I'm concerned about the possibility to run into new regression problems if we switch to 2.14.
I made a quick test with 2.14.RC could not get the mongoDB-mappings to work there. I got an error:
Error occurred getting features java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to generate Class instance for binding com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry Unable to generate Class instance for binding com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
So there actually seems to be some other problem in 2.14.
needs #12