Each resource will have this attribute. A multiple dropdown select is required for this, therefore the same UI component currently used for the Tags attribute of Datasets could be used:
For this attribute a new vocabulary must be loaded in CKAN in the same way of the other: Type of resource, Kind of Activity etc.
For the moment the following vocabulary can be used to be loaded in CKAN and populate the resource attribute: fao_sdgs.zip
It is required the ability to manage this new vocabulary in the same way of the other ones by using the available admin section: add a new vocabulary editor for SDGs there.
Small images corresponding to each selected SDGs must appear in the resource page just below the Additional Information table as reported below
New attribute for resources: SDGs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Development_Goals#:~:text=The%2017%20SDGs%20are%3A%20(1,Reducing%20Inequality%2C%20(11)%20Sustainable
Each resource will have this attribute. A multiple dropdown select is required for this, therefore the same UI component currently used for the Tags attribute of Datasets could be used:
For this attribute a new vocabulary must be loaded in CKAN in the same way of the other: Type of resource, Kind of Activity etc.
For the moment the following vocabulary can be used to be loaded in CKAN and populate the resource attribute: fao_sdgs.zip
It is required the ability to manage this new vocabulary in the same way of the other ones by using the available admin section: add a new vocabulary editor for SDGs there.
Small images corresponding to each selected SDGs must appear in the resource page just below the Additional Information table as reported below