geosolutions-it / inspire-issues

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Stored Queries #7

Open nmco opened 6 years ago

nmco commented 6 years ago

Description (Some filtering of the data trough) Stored queries are not possible on complex features.

Workaround Set up simple features and define filters on these for the id, then request the correct feature by id.

nmco commented 6 years ago

Correction: It is possible, but the query XPath is different than for simple features - when defining stored queries for complex features, the entire XPath including the base feature name must be provided (Kathi). Correction2: relativ path also works, if you start with ./ (Kathi)

nmco commented 6 years ago

"Ilkka Rinne 16.3.2017: Not true, the getSpatialDataSet stored query is working in FEI:s Geoserver 2.9.0: see

nmco commented 6 years ago

Iurie Maxim 21/4/2017: Kathi is not talking only about getspatialdataset stored querry, but is talking about filtering the data trough stored querries. This may be in relation with issue 14. I think that Kathi points to the fact that she had a problem to retrieve a feature by inspireId, thus by providing either two or three parameters: namespace, localId, versionId). We will test to better undertand which is the problem. Indeed is not too clear what Kathi wants to indicate, but I supose that is something related to the problem of the features that have versions, therefore is not the case of protected sites that have no versions. The example provided by Ilkka works only for one dataset with only one featureType per geoserver instance. Ilkka, first time try to provide two datasets, each one with only one FeatureType (i.e.: ps:ProtectedSite and gn:NamePlace with the names of Protected Sites) and create a stored query request to retrieve Protected sites and another request to retrieve the geographical names of the protected sites by using the same storedqueryid. Second time try to provide a dataset that is providing access to both featureTypes, namely ps and gn and create a stored querry to download that dataset containing both featuretypes without having nulls in the namespaces. Then you will see that Kathi has a point even if it is not described in detail. Another problem can be related to the fact that only CRS is a OCG parameter for stored querries, while DataSetIdCode, DataSetIdNameSpace and Language are not and are not understood by a GetFeature WFS 2.0.2 request. Conclusion: Would be good if Kathi will provide more details for us to understand."