Analyst is a kind of privileged user which has access to anonymized data.
An analyst user can't be an end user at the same time, so if an analyst access the portal he won't see the end-users functionalities (bikes pages, user profile, etc).
The Data download page will be the base for the future full-fledged Dashboard. For the moment it will only provide a page to generate data downloads.
Initially the following downloads will be available:
Tracks segments as an ESRI Shapefile. Each track's segment should be a distinct (multi)linestring to let the analyst apply filters (e.g. in a GIS sw) by vechicle type
Bikes locations as a CSV
The above outputs must contain all the valuable information from the orginal tables (segments indexes, date times, observation reporter, etc.)
Some basic inputs for applying filtering to the outputs generation can be envisaged. For instance we could let the user define start / end dates to narrow outputs to a date range.
Analyst is a kind of privileged user which has access to anonymized data. An analyst user can't be an end user at the same time, so if an analyst access the portal he won't see the end-users functionalities (bikes pages, user profile, etc).
The Data download page will be the base for the future full-fledged Dashboard. For the moment it will only provide a page to generate data downloads.
Initially the following downloads will be available:
The above outputs must contain all the valuable information from the orginal tables (segments indexes, date times, observation reporter, etc.)
Some basic inputs for applying filtering to the outputs generation can be envisaged. For instance we could let the user define start / end dates to narrow outputs to a date range.