geospace-code / georinex

Python RINEX 2 / 3 NAV / OBS / sp3 reader & batch convert to HDF5 with C-like speed
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Galileo NAV messages with both I/NAV and F/NAV #65

Open mvillion opened 4 years ago

mvillion commented 4 years ago


I am trying to parse a recent Galileo file:

As it contains both F/NAV 0x102 (258) and I/NAV 0x205 (517) messages, current rejects all messages.

Adding a filter on DataSrc value enables to extract information.

I do not know if this solution makes sense.

Thank you

_ %% format I2

        svs.append(f'{svtype}{ln[:2]}'**.replace(' ', '0')**)

        now get the data as one big long string per SV
        raw = ln[22:79]  # NOTE: MUST be 79, not 80 due to some files that put \n a character early!
        for _ in range(Nl[header['systems']]):
            raw += f.readline()[STARTCOL2:79]
        # one line per SV
        # NOTE: Sebastijan added .replace('  ', ' ').replace(' -', '-')
        # here, I would like to see a file that needs this first, to be sure
        # I'm not needlessly slowing down reading or creating new problems.
        raws.append(raw.replace('D', 'E').replace('\n', ''))

_ %% Galileo specific: filter data source


_ data sources:

_ bit 0: I/NAV E1-B

_ bit 1: F/NAV E5a-I

_ bit 2: I/NAV E5b-I

_ bit 8: af0-af2, ToC are for E5a,E1

_ bit 9: af0-af2, ToC are for E5b,E1

_ although only specific combinations are valid, i.e.

_ 0x102 (258) for F/NAV from E5a

_ 0x201 (513) for I/NAV from E1

_ 0x204 (516) for I/NAV from E5b

_ 0x205 (517) for I/NAV from E1+E5b

data_src_filt = 0x205
if svtype == 'E' and data_src_filt is not None:

    # aggregate all rows in a 2D char matrix
    raw = np.array(raws, dtype="S")
    raw_len = np.vectorize(len)(raw)
    if not (raw_len == raw_len[0]).all():
        raise RuntimeError("Non-uniform rows are unexpected")
    raw_uint8 = raw.view(dtype=np.uint8).reshape(len(raw), -1)

    # extract characters of column DataSrc and convert to uint16
    i_data_src = fields.index("DataSrc")
    col = raw_uint8[:, i_data_src*19:(i_data_src+1)*19].reshape(-1)
    data_src = col.view(dtype="S19").astype(float).astype(np.uint16)

    # filter matching values
    is_in = data_src == data_src_filt
    times = np.array(times)[is_in].tolist()
    raws = [r.decode() for r in raw[is_in]]
    svs = np.array(svs)[is_in].tolist()

_ %% parse

svu = sorted(set(svs))

scivision commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I will take a look at this when I'm able. I've saved the notification.