geospatialem / json-table-editor

An attempt to create a JSON table editor, without a spatial component.
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Suggestions #1

Open timwis opened 8 years ago

timwis commented 8 years ago

Cool idea! I was looking at that JSON editor from your readme when I was working on this pull request for prose but as you might agree, their editor is a bit too complex. I always assumed there was a better one already out there that I just needed to look around for. One idea I wanted to point out was that handsontable supports nested json objects.

geospatialem commented 8 years ago

Thanks @timwis! :smile:

I see there isn't a free option for HandsOnTable, so I can only gather its functionality from their screenshots and limited example. Do you use it in any apps you use it in that you could share?

I really like what is being done in, but I know the table is a huge resource hog on the app. In my experience, I don't necessarily need the spatial component, so I figured an app that focuses on the data would be great to have.

Ideally I'm thinking of something that would extract out the field names (allowing users to edit/remove), and also allow value editing.

If there's anything you can add along the way, or any specifications that would be helpful, please don't hesitate to add 'em in! I can use all the help I can get! I can even add you in as a contributor if you have interest. :wink:

timwis commented 8 years ago

Wow, handsontable released their pro version about a month ago and I'm surprised that the homepage doesn't even seem to mention the free MIT version...odd. Well, their docs do. The pro version only adds a couple features really (comparison and demos).

timwis commented 8 years ago

You know I just realized -- some NoSQL databases probably ship with this sort of thing -- a way to edit/add records in a table, and support array/object values, etc. No guarantee they'll be open source, but perhaps a start.

geospatialem commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks @timwis! :+1: This is a great start!!

I definitely know who to :telephone_receiver: on for some help! :wink:

timwis commented 8 years ago

Hey, had a couple ideas today that are relevant and you may be interested in. I wrote them up over at prose/prose#934

geospatialem commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks @timwis!!