geostyler / geostyler-qgis-parser

GeoStyler Style Parser implementation for QGIS
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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QML style from QGIS 3.28 cannot be parsed #455

Open jmacura opened 1 year ago

jmacura commented 1 year ago


Hello, I am failing to parse any QML file created in QGIS 3.28. Looking in the code, there seem to be a significantly different inner structure of the <symbol> element. I am attaching a short example below. It should be a rough equivalent to – a fill symbol with color, outline color and outline width.

<qgis version="3.28.3-Firenze" styleCategories="Symbology">
  <renderer-v2 type="singleSymbol" referencescale="-1" enableorderby="0" forceraster="0" symbollevels="0">
      <symbol type="fill" frame_rate="10" alpha="1" force_rhr="0" name="0" clip_to_extent="1" is_animated="0">
          <Option type="Map">
            <Option type="QString" value="" name="name"/>
            <Option name="properties"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="collection" name="type"/>
        <layer pass="0" locked="0" enabled="1" class="SimpleFill">
          <Option type="Map">
            <Option type="QString" value="3x:0,0,0,0,0,0" name="border_width_map_unit_scale"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="1,225,255,255" name="color"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="bevel" name="joinstyle"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="0,0" name="offset"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="3x:0,0,0,0,0,0" name="offset_map_unit_scale"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="MM" name="offset_unit"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="36,164,0,255" name="outline_color"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="solid" name="outline_style"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="1.06" name="outline_width"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="MM" name="outline_width_unit"/>
            <Option type="QString" value="solid" name="style"/>
            <Option type="Map">
              <Option type="QString" value="" name="name"/>
              <Option name="properties"/>
              <Option type="QString" value="collection" name="type"/>

Parsing this QML with geostyler-qgis-parser leaves me with a following error (trimmed): image

Related issue in hslayers:

Could you please confirm that the issue is relevant? Is there a change in the way QGIS is exporting QML files which is not yet reflected in geostyler? I went through the QGIS visual changelogs but I have found no mention about any change in this regard (until version 3.30 which is not yet relevant as I am using 3.28)... Thanks!

KaiVolland commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the report. Currently the qgisparser supports very simple styles like

As the symbolization features in QGis are almost endless i'm not sure what could have change. But as the post style is still "renderer-v2" i would assume that it should work. If not the error message should be more speaking. I'll check your qgis files and add more feedback if possible.

KaiVolland commented 1 year ago

I have a qgis 3.22.4 runnig on my system. If i import and export and your style it looks different and can be parsed with the geostyler-qgis-parser in the demo:

Unfortunately i wont have time to debug into this deeper nor to fix it. It would be great if you could find some time to dig deeper here.

OSHistory commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that the error exists. It probably stems from the fact, that the new XML-Structure is as follows (Root <Option> tag with <Option /> children.

  <!-- multiple nested Options -->
  <Option />

Used to be direct propchildren to <layer>:

 <prop />

This is why the following function fails, as there are no props.

   * @param qmlSymbolizer
  qmlSymbolizerLayerPropsToObject(qmlSymbolizer: any) {
    const qmlMarkerProps: any = {};
    qmlSymbolizer.prop.forEach((prop: QmlProp) => {
      const key = prop.$.k;
      const value = prop.$.v;
      qmlMarkerProps[key] = value;
    return qmlMarkerProps;

I'd be happy to look into it, but probably would need a short introduction from one member of the core-Team on how parsers are implemented and how the dev setup works.

I added a screenshot for illustration:

Screenshot from 2023-05-13 18-39-13

OSHistory commented 1 year ago

I have created a work in progress. I converted all of the styles through a 3.28 Firenze QGIS to the new schema. The Parser correctly reads <Option> instead of <prop> and also writes correctly. It needs to register under the root <Option type="Map"> The write tests fail, probably the testing files should be stripped by all non necessary tags. The branch is in my fork: