geotiffjs / geotiff.js

geotiff.js is a small library to parse TIFF files for visualization or analysis. It is written in pure JavaScript, and is usable in both the browser and node.js applications.
MIT License
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Property 'headers' does not exist on type '{}' #409

Closed immanewel closed 8 months ago

immanewel commented 8 months ago

I get the following error when using the latest version of geotiff v2.1.0, on an angular project, any help would be great

Error: node_modules/geotiff/dist-node/source/client/base.d.ts:28:15 - error TS2339: Property 'headers' does not exist on type '{}'.

28 request({ headers, credentials, signal }?: object): Promise;

Error: node_modules/geotiff/dist-node/source/client/base.d.ts:28:24 - error TS2339: Property 'credentials' does not exist on type '{}'.

28   request({ headers, credentials, signal }?: object): Promise<void>;

Error: node_modules/geotiff/dist-node/source/client/base.d.ts:28:37 - error TS2339: Property 'signal' does not exist on type '{}'.

28 request({ headers, credentials, signal }?: object): Promise;