Serving of a small sample of ingested tiled rasters with geotrellis-server through a WMS is not working. When launching the WMS and requesting the layer through a viewer, the console displays:
**ERROR geotrellis.server.ogc.wms.WmsView - geotrellis.raster.GeoAttrsError: invalid cols: 0**.
When copying the GetMap request in the browser, I get the following response:
**Layer (hrdtm) not found or CRS (EPSG:3979) not supported**
However, the GetMap requests seem to be legitimate.
The problem seems to occur mostly when the requested layer's extent is very small and the client tries to access low level tiles data.
Serving of a small sample of ingested tiled rasters with geotrellis-server through a WMS is not working. When launching the WMS and requesting the layer through a viewer, the console displays:
**ERROR geotrellis.server.ogc.wms.WmsView - geotrellis.raster.GeoAttrsError: invalid cols: 0**
. When copying the GetMap request in the browser, I get the following response:**Layer (hrdtm) not found or CRS (EPSG:3979) not supported**
However, the GetMap requests seem to be legitimate.The problem seems to occur mostly when the requested layer's extent is very small and the client tries to access low level tiles data.